1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:07,000 [Master Class] [Designer and Developer Workflow] [Wireframing the Show View] 2 00:00:07,000 --> 00:00:11,000 Now we're ready to go ahead and create the show view. 3 00:00:11,000 --> 00:00:17,000 And this is going to be fairly similar to the index view in terms of the 4 00:00:17,000 --> 00:00:25,000 other things that are around our data, so let's just go ahead and clone our mockup, 5 00:00:25,000 --> 00:00:29,000 and let's modify this into a show view. 6 00:00:29,000 --> 00:00:36,000 The first thing I'm going to do is just delete a lot of these job listings here 7 00:00:36,000 --> 00:00:39,000 until we just have one left. 8 00:00:39,000 --> 00:00:41,000 There we go. 9 00:00:41,000 --> 00:00:47,000 And now, we need to go ahead and make this text a little bit larger 10 00:00:47,000 --> 00:00:53,000 because the job title is probably one of the most important things on the page. 11 00:00:53,000 --> 00:00:57,000 So, we'll go ahead and increase the size on that. 12 00:00:57,000 --> 00:00:59,000 There we go, that looks pretty good. 13 00:00:59,000 --> 00:01:06,000 So now, we need to go ahead and convert this description into paragraph text. 14 00:01:06,000 --> 00:01:10,000 So, I'll go ahead and grab some text there, 15 00:01:10,000 --> 00:01:14,000 and we'll copy this text that we have here. 16 00:01:14,000 --> 00:01:18,000 Just delete that and paste it as paragraph text. 17 00:01:18,000 --> 00:01:24,000 That way we can go ahead and size our paragraph appropriately. 18 00:01:24,000 --> 00:01:26,000 Maybe something like that. 19 00:01:26,000 --> 00:01:34,000 And then we'll just go ahead and copy and paste the data here 20 00:01:34,000 --> 00:01:40,000 just so we can fill out this description a little bit more. 21 00:01:40,000 --> 00:01:43,000 There we go. 22 00:01:43,000 --> 00:01:50,000 Now, what I'm noticing here is this show view is pretty sparse, 23 00:01:50,000 --> 00:01:55,000 and there probably is some more information that we could include about the job 24 00:01:55,000 --> 00:01:59,000 because we're already showing the name of the job and then 25 00:01:59,000 --> 00:02:02,000 the description of the job in our index view. 26 00:02:02,000 --> 00:02:07,000 So, when people actually click on one of those items and come to the show view, 27 00:02:07,000 --> 00:02:11,000 they're probably expecting to see more details about the job 28 00:02:11,000 --> 00:02:16,000 in addition to just this expanded description. 29 00:02:16,000 --> 00:02:19,000 So, let's go ahead and communicate this to Jim 30 00:02:19,000 --> 00:02:23,000 so that he can add a few things to the jobs model. 31 00:02:23,000 --> 00:02:29,000 "Hey Jim, I was wireframing the show view for the jobs, and I was thinking that 32 00:02:29,000 --> 00:02:32,000 there were a few fields that we could add." 33 00:02:32,000 --> 00:02:36,000 "I know we originally agreed on just having a job title and description for the job." 34 00:02:36,000 --> 00:02:39,000 "But I think it would also be nice to add the name of the company 35 00:02:39,000 --> 00:02:44,000 and a details link in case the company wants to include an external link 36 00:02:44,000 --> 00:02:49,000 so they can see more details about the job." 37 00:02:49,000 --> 00:02:54,000 So, we have our job title and our job description, and now we're going to go ahead 38 00:02:54,000 --> 00:02:59,000 and add in a company name, and we're going to add a details link 39 00:02:59,000 --> 00:03:03,000 so that people can read more about the job posting and maybe investigate 40 00:03:03,000 --> 00:03:07,000 the company a little bit before they submit their application. 41 00:03:07,000 --> 00:03:13,000 In addition, it might also be nice to include a date posted so that people know 42 00:03:13,000 --> 00:03:18,000 just how old this job posting actually is before they apply. 43 00:03:18,000 --> 00:03:22,000 Because we're using Ruby on Rails, we actually get this information for free, 44 00:03:22,000 --> 00:03:26,000 and we don't need to manually add this to the jobs model. 45 00:03:26,000 --> 00:03:30,000 So first, let's go ahead and add in that company name. 46 00:03:30,000 --> 00:03:35,000 So, I'm going to add another string of text, and we'll go ahead and put this 47 00:03:35,000 --> 00:03:43,000 off to the right here, and we'll increase the size of the text, 48 00:03:43,000 --> 00:03:46,000 and let's go ahead and make up a company name here. 49 00:03:46,000 --> 00:03:57,000 We'll call this "Ice Cream Industries." 50 00:03:57,000 --> 00:04:01,000 And we'll put that off to the side, just like that. 51 00:04:01,000 --> 00:04:05,000 And we may also style this differently or put it in a different color 52 00:04:05,000 --> 00:04:07,000 once we actually get into CSS. 53 00:04:07,000 --> 00:04:11,000 But for now, just knowing the general placement is enough. 54 00:04:11,000 --> 00:04:16,000 So, we'll go ahead and maybe stretch out this job description 55 00:04:16,000 --> 00:04:20,000 so it takes up more of the page. 56 00:04:20,000 --> 00:04:22,000 That looks pretty good. 57 00:04:22,000 --> 00:04:28,000 And we'll account for extra room down here just in case the job description 58 00:04:28,000 --> 00:04:34,000 is a little bit longer than what we're expecting, and we also need to add 59 00:04:34,000 --> 00:04:41,000 a details link here so that people can learn more about the job posting. 60 00:04:41,000 --> 00:04:49,000 So, we'll go ahead and just call this link "See More," 61 00:04:49,000 --> 00:04:53,000 and people can go ahead and click on this to learn more about the job, and the people 62 00:04:53,000 --> 00:04:57,000 posting the job can actually make this link to whatever they want. 63 00:04:57,000 --> 00:05:02,000 So, it might just be a link to the company's homepage or it might be a link to 64 00:05:02,000 --> 00:05:08,000 a specific page on the company's website that describes the job in more detail. 65 00:05:08,000 --> 00:05:15,000 Now we can go ahead and add our date posted, so we'll drag out some more text, 66 00:05:15,000 --> 00:05:20,000 and we'll go ahead and just pick some arbitrary date in the future. 67 00:05:20,000 --> 00:05:23,000 That looks good. 68 00:05:23,000 --> 00:05:29,000 And we'll go ahead and put that off to the right just like that. 69 00:05:29,000 --> 00:05:34,000 So, now that we have all of the elements on our page, we can go ahead and 70 00:05:34,000 --> 00:05:39,000 make some adjustments and maybe anticipate a few problems as well. 71 00:05:39,000 --> 00:05:44,000 One problem that I'm anticipating is the length of various fields here. 72 00:05:44,000 --> 00:05:48,000 The See More link is always going to be the same length, 73 00:05:48,000 --> 00:05:54,000 and the date posted isn't going to change too much, and we have plenty of room 74 00:05:54,000 --> 00:05:59,000 for this description, so that should be fine and it can even expand 75 00:05:59,000 --> 00:06:02,000 and push these elements down should it need to. 76 00:06:02,000 --> 00:06:06,000 However, the title of the job as well as the name of the company 77 00:06:06,000 --> 00:06:10,000 are two fields that might be longer than we're expecting here, 78 00:06:10,000 --> 00:06:16,000 and they could end up running into one another or doing some sort of ugly wrapping. 79 00:06:16,000 --> 00:06:19,000 So, before we continue, let's go ahead and just save this mockup 80 00:06:19,000 --> 00:06:24,000 and then we'll make some adjustments to it. 81 00:06:24,000 --> 00:06:30,000 So, we'll save this as show view in the same projects folder as our index view. 82 00:06:30,000 --> 00:06:33,000 And let's go ahead and make these adjustments. 83 00:06:33,000 --> 00:06:42,000 So, we'll move our description down, 84 00:06:42,000 --> 00:06:46,000 and really, I think the title of the job is the most important thing. 85 00:06:46,000 --> 00:06:50,000 So, let's go ahead and make that even larger. 86 00:06:50,000 --> 00:06:57,000 And we'll just go ahead and copy and paste the name of this job 87 00:06:57,000 --> 00:06:59,000 just to make it a little bit longer. 88 00:06:59,000 --> 00:07:02,000 That's not necessarily the actual job name, 89 00:07:02,000 --> 00:07:06,000 but a job title could actually end up being pretty long. 90 00:07:06,000 --> 00:07:11,000 And then, we'll have the name of the company in smaller text down here. 91 00:07:11,000 --> 00:07:17,000 So, the name of the company is slightly less important than the actual job title. 92 00:07:17,000 --> 00:07:19,000 Let's go ahead and make that a little bit smaller. 93 00:07:19,000 --> 00:07:22,000 So, we'll decrease the font size here. 94 00:07:22,000 --> 00:07:25,000 Actually, I think that's a little bit too small. 95 00:07:25,000 --> 00:07:29,000 We'll increase that, and let's go ahead and change the text color 96 00:07:29,000 --> 00:07:32,000 just so we know that that is a little bit less important. 97 00:07:32,000 --> 00:07:39,000 We'll change it to a lighter gray color so it doesn't contrast as much with the page, 98 00:07:39,000 --> 00:07:46,000 and I think this description is actually going to end up being in a larger font size. 99 00:07:46,000 --> 00:07:52,000 So, let's go ahead and increase that a little bit. 100 00:07:52,000 --> 00:07:58,000 These See More links and this date is actually really small. 101 00:07:58,000 --> 00:08:08,000 So, we'll go ahead and increase that a little bit as well. 102 00:08:08,000 --> 00:08:15,000 And I'm going to actually change the date to be lighter color 103 00:08:15,000 --> 00:08:18,000 so it's de-emphasized a little bit more. 104 00:08:18,000 --> 00:08:30,000 And I'll go ahead and add some text here that just says "Posted on" a certain date. 105 00:08:30,000 --> 00:08:32,000 There we go. 106 00:08:32,000 --> 00:08:34,000 Now, this is looking pretty good. 107 00:08:34,000 --> 00:08:37,000 There's a few little things we could go ahead and tighten up, 108 00:08:37,000 --> 00:08:41,000 and we can go ahead and do that once we get into more detail with the CSS. 109 00:08:41,000 --> 00:08:48,000 I think the last thing I am going to do is change the See More link into an actual button 110 00:08:48,000 --> 00:08:52,000 just to make it sort of like a call to action so that when people see 111 00:08:52,000 --> 00:08:56,000 a job posting, they have a next action. 112 00:08:56,000 --> 00:09:05,000 So, I'll go ahead and go up here to buttons, and this button looks just as good as any other. 113 00:09:05,000 --> 00:09:10,000 And I'll change this to say "See More." 114 00:09:10,000 --> 00:09:14,000 And remember, we're just in the wireframe stage right now, so we could go ahead 115 00:09:14,000 --> 00:09:18,000 and actually change that copy later if we wanted to. 116 00:09:18,000 --> 00:09:21,000 It could end up saying something like "Learn More." 117 00:09:21,000 --> 00:09:25,000 It doesn't really matter just as long as we know that there's going to be a button 118 00:09:25,000 --> 00:09:32,000 or a link or something there where people can learn more about this company. 119 00:09:32,000 --> 00:09:36,000 So, I'll go ahead and save this mockup, and I think for our show view 120 00:09:36,000 --> 00:09:41,000 that's about all the detail that we really need to get into for now.