- Ruby
- Beginner
About this Course
In this course, you'll build a simple command line address book application using Ruby. You'll put to use a lot of skills learned in previous courses to put everything together: objects, classes, blocks, input and output, and more.
What you'll learn
- Object Oriented Programming
- Loops
- Classes
Class Design
In this stage we're going to start to design the classes that we'll use throughout the rest of the address book program.
11 steps-
Contact Class: Part 1
Create a Contact Class
1 objective
Contact Class: Part 2
Write a Method
1 objective
Phone Number Class
Write a to_s Method
1 objective
Address Class: Part 1
Address Class: Part 2
Initializing and Calling Methods
2 objectives
Address Book Class
Instance variable instantiation
2 objectives
Search is an integral part of any address book application. In this stage, you'll learn how to add the ability to search to your classes.
6 stepsInput and Output
Our program functionality is all set up but our users have no way to interact with the program. In this stage we add a UI to the application and add a text based menu and interaction system.
8 steps-
Displaying a Menu
Instance Variable Access
1 objective
Adding Contacts: Part 1
Adding Contacts: Part 2
Searching the Address Book
Searching the Address Book
2 objectives
Saving The Address Book
4 questions
Extra Credit
Our program is in good shape but is lacking in some functionality. For extra credit, try adding the ability to delete contacts from the address book. You can also modify the address book program to use the methods we created for interacting with the address and phone numbers in the contact class.
Jason Seifer
Jason helped launch Treehouse and spent 4 years teaching here before returning to Rails development full time.