Get certified and job-ready with the online Front End Web Development Treehouse Techdegree

Learn how to build sites and apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript in our self-paced, interactive bootcamp with real-time student support. Become a Front End Web Developer. Try it free for 7 days today.

  • Structured curriculum and student support to keep you on track

  • Earn a certificate for your job search

  • Build projects for your portfolio

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Launch your career

Project on a computer window

Real-world projects for your portfolio

After completing a Techdegree, you’ll have a well-rounded portfolio of projects to demonstrate your newly-acquired expertise.

Certification through Accredible

Contact tech recruiters with your best foot forward—update your resume, polish up your project portfolio, and save your certification through Accredible.
Career Support

Career support and 1-on-1 sessions

Gain access to career support on Slack and meet twice over Zoom with Treehouse's Career Advisor for actionable insights that will empower you to make the most of your Techdegree experience.

How you'll learn

Person on a call

Realtime student support

Throughout the Techdegree, you’ll interact closely with our student success team. Our team will review and help debug your projects, answer questions, and act as a sounding board via our exclusive Slack workspace and Zoom.
Computer monitor

Interactive quizzes and code challenges

Test your knowledge with quizzes or test out of subjects you've already mastered. Plus, use Treehouse's interactive Workspaces to create staging environments for the code you write.
Stars resting on a person's hand

Learn with others via Slack and peer reviews

Connect with others in our exclusive Slack community, an integral part of the Techdegree experience. Real-world jobs also often involve reviewing code—gather experience by giving and receiving feedback with in-depth peer reviews.


What you'll learn

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    Project 1 | 10 Activities

    My Personal Profile Page

    Module Info & Overview

    Customize a personal online profile by adding graphics, customizing text, and improving the look of a web page using CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), the formatting language of the web. Share your finished project on GitHub, a service used by teams of programmers to share and work on programming code.

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    Project 2 | 11 Activities

    Mobile-first Responsive Layout

    Module Info & Overview

    Designing web pages that look and function well on multiple screen sizes is an essential skill for a web developer. Using HTML, CSS, and responsive design, you'll create a mobile-first web page with a layout that adjusts to fit mobile phones, tablets, and desktop displays.

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    Project 3 | 8 Activities

    An Online Registration Form

    Module Info & Overview

    Web forms allow users to order books, sign up for websites, and post to Facebook. This project shows you how to build a responsive, mobile-first registration form using a variety of HTML form elements.

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    Project 4 | 9 Activities

    Web Style Guide

    Module Info & Overview

    Sass is an important tool in a modern Front End Web Developer’s toolbox. It's used by many developers to make styling web pages with CSS easier and faster. Create a style guide that can act as your own personal and custom Bootstrap that you can drop into any of your projects to speed up styling, layout and development in general.

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    Project 5 | 11 Activities

    An Interactive Photo Gallery

    Module Info & Overview

    Interactive image galleries are a common feature of many websites, from photo sites to e-commerce applications. Use HTML, CSS and the popular programming language JavaScript to create an interactive, searchable gallery of photos.

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    Project 6 | 14 Activities

    Game Show App

    Module Info & Overview

    In this project, you'll create a browser version of “Wheel of Success”, a word guessing game. You’ll use Javascript to come up with a random phrase that players will try to guess by entering different letters into the program.

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    Project 7 | 5 Activities

    WebApp Dashboard

    Module Info & Overview

    Build an interactive dashboard for a web application using advanced web techniques including SVG graphics and JavaScript programming. The project involves creating tables, charts, graphics and other user interface components in a manner that promotes interactivity and usability.

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    Project 8 | 12 Activities

    Use an API to Create an Employee Directory

    Module Info & Overview

    Many sites — Twitter, Facebook, IMDB, and Wikipedia to name a few — offer a vast sea of data that you can access and display on your own web pages. Using JavaScript, you’ll create an employee directory by communicating with a third-party API (Application Programming Interface).

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    Project 9 | 3 Activities

    Capstone Portfolio

    Module Info & Overview

    The final capstone project for the Front End Web Development Techdegree Program. Show off your skill and expertise in the tools and techniques you've learned in the Techdegree by building a professional portfolio to showcase your work.

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    Project 1 | 10 Activities

    My Personal Profile Page

    Module Info & Overview

    Customize a personal online profile by adding graphics, customizing text, and improving the look of a web page using CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), the formatting language of the web. Share your finished project on GitHub, a service used by teams of programmers to share and work on programming code.

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    Project 2 | 11 Activities

    Mobile-first Responsive Layout

    Module Info & Overview

    Designing web pages that look and function well on multiple screen sizes is an essential skill for a web developer. Using HTML, CSS, and responsive design, you'll create a mobile-first web page with a layout that adjusts to fit mobile phones, tablets, and desktop displays.

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    Project 3 | 8 Activities

    An Online Registration Form

    Module Info & Overview

    Web forms allow users to order books, sign up for websites, and post to Facebook. This project shows you how to build a responsive, mobile-first registration form using a variety of HTML form elements.

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    Project 4 | 9 Activities

    Web Style Guide

    Module Info & Overview

    Sass is an important tool in a modern Front End Web Developer’s toolbox. It's used by many developers to make styling web pages with CSS easier and faster. Create a style guide that can act as your own personal and custom Bootstrap that you can drop into any of your projects to speed up styling, layout and development in general.

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    Project 5 | 11 Activities

    An Interactive Photo Gallery

    Module Info & Overview

    Interactive image galleries are a common feature of many websites, from photo sites to e-commerce applications. Use HTML, CSS and the popular programming language JavaScript to create an interactive, searchable gallery of photos.

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    Project 6 | 14 Activities

    Game Show App

    Module Info & Overview

    In this project, you'll create a browser version of “Wheel of Success”, a word guessing game. You’ll use Javascript to come up with a random phrase that players will try to guess by entering different letters into the program.

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    Project 7 | 5 Activities

    WebApp Dashboard

    Module Info & Overview

    Build an interactive dashboard for a web application using advanced web techniques including SVG graphics and JavaScript programming. The project involves creating tables, charts, graphics and other user interface components in a manner that promotes interactivity and usability.

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    Project 8 | 12 Activities

    Use an API to Create an Employee Directory

    Module Info & Overview

    Many sites — Twitter, Facebook, IMDB, and Wikipedia to name a few — offer a vast sea of data that you can access and display on your own web pages. Using JavaScript, you’ll create an employee directory by communicating with a third-party API (Application Programming Interface).

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    Project 9 | 3 Activities

    Capstone Portfolio

    Module Info & Overview

    The final capstone project for the Front End Web Development Techdegree Program. Show off your skill and expertise in the tools and techniques you've learned in the Techdegree by building a professional portfolio to showcase your work.

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Today is the day. Start your future for $199/month.

You’ll learn how to build interactive websites and powerful web applications with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript with the Front End Web Development Techdegree’s structured, project-based curriculum and incredible student support. Get excited—your new career building web applications awaits.

  • Guided learning paths
  • Build a portfolio and get certified
  • Technical and soft skills
  • Exclusive Slack community
  • Quizzes and code challenges
  • Project and peer reviews
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