Teachers and students at ARISE High School are taking their future into their own hands!
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Start A Free TrialDuring the pandemic, ARISE High School invested in a group of high school students to enroll them in Treehouse Techdegrees to further their education.
This project has been an amazing experience for everyone involved and has directly addressed challenges surrounding access to technical education.
One student, Vanessa, has done phenomenally well and recently graduated from the Treehouse Techdegree program. She is the first student to graduate from ARISE High School with a computer science credential and is bound for a career in STEM!
Congratulations to Vanessa and to ARISE High School for changing the way things are done in your school!
This project marks a phenomenal commitment from ARISE High School to do whatever it takes to bring great education to their students.
Let’s dive into their story and see the huge opportunities that are awaiting ARISE students thanks to their phenomenal teachers.
Equal opportunity for tech education
There are many challenges when it comes to bringing tech education to diverse communities across the United States.
It can be difficult for young learners to find access to budget-friendly courses, as well as have the hardware and home set up to get the courses done.
A further challenge is the cultural awareness that education in coding is important. Many young people are not exposed to the idea that coding is a significant skill and never get interested in learning about it. When it comes time to learn to code, the young learners don’t take to it easily.
By partnering with Treehouse to bring coding education to young high school students, ARISE High School has changed the way their students think about coding education.
Having access to Treehouse means that these young learners can acquire skills that have never before been available to them. It doesn’t matter how much money they have, what their home office setup is like, or what their friends think about learning to code.
These students have the opportunity to have world-class coding education that could propel them directly into a career in web development in the year following their high school graduation.
ARISE High School is changing tech education for their students, giving them an equal opportunity on par with the world’s best educational institutions.
New education methods for a new world
In the changing world of technology, classroom-style teaching won’t always be able to keep up. Students need to be able to learn cutting-edge technology as it rises to significance, and they need to stay flexible and continuously adapt to the ever-changing tech landscape.
Online schools such as Treehouse bring in these skill sets where traditional educational systems aren’t able to.
As well, the education style of a school like Treehouse is completely different from a traditional school. A skill-building, skill progression model that requires a student to master a skill before moving on to the next task is something that is harder to realize in a traditional classroom education style.
Treehouse brings in new education styles and subject matter that is critical for high schoolers in 2022.
Padding their university applications
Having Treehouse Techdegrees on their university applications is a significant factor for entrance into universities.
For students that are looking to go to university, completing the Treehouse Techdegree will significantly affect their application to university. The Techdegree education is already at a university level, making passing the first-year university courses much easier.
Making university irrelevant
For many high schoolers in the U.S., going to university is not going to be feasible in the short term. Young people are faced with massive challenges in today’s world, and spending around 100K USD to study for four years is a weight they cannot support.
In today’s world, people need to learn relevant skills and start working within 1 - 2 years max. Once they have an income, they can start leveling up other areas of their lives piece by piece.
Treehouse education makes going to university no longer required. With a Treehouse Techdegree education, students can get into their first tech job within months of graduating from the course.
Treehouse is a great choice of curriculum
Traditionally, in the United States, high school hasn’t taught computer science. Now, there are several options for curriculum that schools can take on.
For schools that don’t yet have a computer science curriculum, Treehouse is a great option for bringing top-quality curriculum to your Highschool.
The Treehouse curriculum is designed by subject matter experts, and the courses are taught by skilled and qualified instructors. The student success specialists have all completed the Treehouse material and have debugged Treehouse curriculum-based apps hundreds of times.
Using Treehouse curriculum at your high school makes more sense than designing your own curriculum independently. The Treehouse curriculum is well-designed and has been proven over time.
ARISE High School improved their skill with tech education
This project was the first time ARISE High School took on the challenge of running the Treehouse Techdegrees at their high school, and they learned several key lessons with this cohort. The educators at ARISE wanted to share some of their learnings to help guide future educators who are taking on this immense and rewarding challenge!
Cultural attitudes towards education
One of the most important things when it comes to education is working through your community’s cultural understandings of tech, math, and science. In the ARISE community, many people are hesitant to sign up for coding courses because they have an inherited opinion that it will be difficult and they won’t be able to do it.
Overcoming these “I can’t do code” and “I can’t do math” attitudes is one of the most significant challenges for educators looking to bring Treehouse Techdegrees to their high school.
ARISE high school learned how to handle these attitudes and encourage their students to take on coding even though it may be intimidating at first!
Prerequisite skill level is important to define
High school students have dramatically different skill levels when it comes to computer science. Some students have had a lot of exposure to computer science concepts through their family or their interests, and others have no exposure at all.
In today’s mobile-first world, many students are still learning to type in high school. Many students might not have a laptop at home, as families shift to using tablets or mobile devices instead of desktop computers.
Online education is on the rise, but in a lot of cases, the answers are multiple-choice or short answers. Some students are completing their online assignments with tablets.
It’s deeply important to evaluate the student’s level and place them in an appropriate program with Treehouse. There are more broad and conceptual courses, such as the introduction to computer science course, that might be better for students with less exposure to computers.
The Techdegree is great for those students who are ready to get hands-on with code. Treehouse Techdegrees are targeted at people who know they want to become a developer.
One thing ARISE High School learned is that it’s important for students to be independent learners to take on the Techdegree. The Techdegree is a big challenge, and the students who had the most success were the students who were independently driven to complete the program.
Competition for attention
High school students have a lot on their plate already. A typical high school student will have 5 courses a semester. They might be in one or two sports. Some may be doing applications to colleges or universities. Then on top of that, they have their family and friends.
High school students are learning to do time management for the first time. This means they don’t always know how to do time management, and sometimes they make mistakes or get overwhelmed.
Beyond the typical demands for attention, many high school students struggle with instabilities at home.
Tech education with Treehouse has to compete with all of these demands. It’s important to work in how and when your students will get the course work done if you want them to be successful with the program.
The Treehouse Techdegree takes more than one semester
In a semester-based education system, it’s difficult to complete an entire Techdegree unless the program is a 1-year long program. If your goal is to have the students complete the Techdegree, make sure they have in-class time for at least 1 year to complete it.
Accessible tech education is more important than ever
Today, in the U.S., the public education system is competing for tech talent with the tech industry. As a result, public education in the U.S. struggles to secure talented teachers for computer science and coding.
Treehouse is a great way to combat this issue and bring education to students who really need it. The Treehouse curriculum is written by subject matter experts, then our student support specialists facilitate the distribution of that information to thousands of students.
If you partner with an online education institution such as Treehouse, a dedicated teacher, regardless of their knowledge of coding, can deliver great technical education to their students.
“The only really long term solution to the problems we’re facing in the 21st century is to have better education” - Graham Woolley, ARISE Highschool Teacher
We can use tools like Treehouse to increase the education level in subjects areas where the public systems don’t have reach.
Partner with Treehouse!
Partner with Treehouse to deliver great tech education to your students. Check out our available curriculum on our content library, and consider if doing Techdegrees at your high school are a good fit.
Sign up for the Treehouse free trial and get into the curriculum on your own! Or, contact us at support@teamtreehouse.com and we’ll walk you through it.
Interested in some of Treehouse’s other partnerships? Check out how we support AnitaB.org with their Tech apprenticeships.
There are many challenges when it comes to bringing tech education to diverse communities across the United States.
It can be difficult for young learners to find access to budget-friendly courses, as well as have the hardware and home set up to get the courses done.
A further challenge is the cultural awareness that education in coding is important. Many young people are not exposed to the idea that coding is a significant skill and never get interested in learning about it. When it comes time to learn to code, the young learners don’t take to it easily.
By partnering with Treehouse to bring coding education to young high school students, ARISE High School has changed the way their students think about coding education.
Having access to Treehouse means that these young learners can acquire skills that have never before been available to them. It doesn’t matter how much money they have, what their home office setup is like, or what their friends think about learning to code.
These students have the opportunity to have world-class coding education that could propel them directly into a career in web development in the year following their high school graduation.
ARISE High School is changing tech education for their students, giving them an equal opportunity on par with the world’s best educational institutions.
New education methods for a new world
In the changing world of technology, classroom-style teaching won’t always be able to keep up. Students need to be able to learn cutting-edge technology as it rises to significance, and they need to stay flexible and continuously adapt to the ever-changing tech landscape.
Online schools such as Treehouse bring in these skill sets where traditional educational systems aren’t able to.
As well, the education style of a school like Treehouse is completely different from a traditional school. A skill-building, skill progression model that requires a student to master a skill before moving on to the next task is something that is harder to realize in a traditional classroom education style.
Treehouse brings in new education styles and subject matter that is critical for high schoolers in 2022.
Padding their university applications
Having Treehouse Techdegrees on their university applications is a significant factor for entrance into universities.
For students that are looking to go to university, completing the Treehouse Techdegree will significantly affect their application to university. The Techdegree education is already at a university level, making passing the first-year university courses much easier.
Making university irrelevant
For many high schoolers in the U.S., going to university is not going to be feasible in the short term. Young people are faced with massive challenges in today’s world, and spending around 100K USD to study for four years is a weight they cannot support.
In today’s world, people need to learn relevant skills and start working within 1 - 2 years max. Once they have an income, they can start leveling up other areas of their lives piece by piece.
Treehouse education makes going to university no longer required. With a Treehouse Techdegree education, students can get into their first tech job within months of graduating from the course.
Treehouse is a great choice of curriculum
Traditionally, in the United States, high school hasn’t taught computer science. Now, there are several options for curriculum that schools can take on.
For schools that don’t yet have a computer science curriculum, Treehouse is a great option for bringing top-quality curriculum to your Highschool.
The Treehouse curriculum is designed by subject matter experts, and the courses are taught by skilled and qualified instructors. The student success specialists have all completed the Treehouse material and have debugged Treehouse curriculum-based apps hundreds of times.
Using Treehouse curriculum at your high school makes more sense than designing your own curriculum independently. The Treehouse curriculum is well-designed and has been proven over time.
ARISE High School improved their skill with tech education
This project was the first time ARISE High School took on the challenge of running the Treehouse Techdegrees at their high school, and they learned several key lessons with this cohort. The educators at ARISE wanted to share some of their learnings to help guide future educators who are taking on this immense and rewarding challenge!
Cultural attitudes towards education
One of the most important things when it comes to education is working through your community’s cultural understandings of tech, math, and science. In the ARISE community, many people are hesitant to sign up for coding courses because they have an inherited opinion that it will be difficult and they won’t be able to do it.
Overcoming these “I can’t do code” and “I can’t do math” attitudes is one of the most significant challenges for educators looking to bring Treehouse Techdegrees to their high school.
ARISE high school learned how to handle these attitudes and encourage their students to take on coding even though it may be intimidating at first!
Prerequisite skill level is important to define
High school students have dramatically different skill levels when it comes to computer science. Some students have had a lot of exposure to computer science concepts through their family or their interests, and others have no exposure at all.
In today’s mobile-first world, many students are still learning to type in high school. Many students might not have a laptop at home, as families shift to using tablets or mobile devices instead of desktop computers.
Online education is on the rise, but in a lot of cases, the answers are multiple-choice or short answers. Some students are completing their online assignments with tablets.
It’s deeply important to evaluate the student’s level and place them in an appropriate program with Treehouse. There are more broad and conceptual courses, such as the introduction to computer science course, that might be better for students with less exposure to computers.
The Techdegree is great for those students who are ready to get hands-on with code. Treehouse Techdegrees are targeted at people who know they want to become a developer.
One thing ARISE High School learned is that it’s important for students to be independent learners to take on the Techdegree. The Techdegree is a big challenge, and the students who had the most success were the students who were independently driven to complete the program.
Competition for attention
High school students have a lot on their plate already. A typical high school student will have 5 courses a semester. They might be in one or two sports. Some may be doing applications to colleges or universities. Then on top of that, they have their family and friends.
High school students are learning to do time management for the first time. This means they don’t always know how to do time management, and sometimes they make mistakes or get overwhelmed.
Beyond the typical demands for attention, many high school students struggle with instabilities at home.
Tech education with Treehouse has to compete with all of these demands. It’s important to work in how and when your students will get the course work done if you want them to be successful with the program.
The Treehouse Techdegree takes more than one semester
In a semester-based education system, it’s difficult to complete an entire Techdegree unless the program is a 1-year long program. If your goal is to have the students complete the Techdegree, make sure they have in-class time for at least 1 year to complete it.
Accessible tech education is more important than ever
Today, in the U.S., the public education system is competing for tech talent with the tech industry. As a result, public education in the U.S. struggles to secure talented teachers for computer science and coding.
Treehouse is a great way to combat this issue and bring education to students who really need it. The Treehouse curriculum is written by subject matter experts, then our student support specialists facilitate the distribution of that information to thousands of students.
If you partner with an online education institution such as Treehouse, a dedicated teacher, regardless of their knowledge of coding, can deliver great technical education to their students.
“The only really long term solution to the problems we’re facing in the 21st century is to have better education” - Graham Woolley, ARISE Highschool Teacher
We can use tools like Treehouse to increase the education level in subjects areas where the public systems don’t have reach.
Partner with Treehouse!
Partner with Treehouse to deliver great tech education to your students. Check out our available curriculum on our content library, and consider if doing Techdegrees at your high school are a good fit.
Sign up for the Treehouse free trial and get into the curriculum on your own! Or, contact us at support@teamtreehouse.com and we’ll walk you through it.
Interested in some of Treehouse’s other partnerships? Check out how we support AnitaB.org with their Tech apprenticeships.
In the changing world of technology, classroom-style teaching won’t always be able to keep up. Students need to be able to learn cutting-edge technology as it rises to significance, and they need to stay flexible and continuously adapt to the ever-changing tech landscape.
Online schools such as Treehouse bring in these skill sets where traditional educational systems aren’t able to.
As well, the education style of a school like Treehouse is completely different from a traditional school. A skill-building, skill progression model that requires a student to master a skill before moving on to the next task is something that is harder to realize in a traditional classroom education style.
Treehouse brings in new education styles and subject matter that is critical for high schoolers in 2022.
Padding their university applications
Having Treehouse Techdegrees on their university applications is a significant factor for entrance into universities.
For students that are looking to go to university, completing the Treehouse Techdegree will significantly affect their application to university. The Techdegree education is already at a university level, making passing the first-year university courses much easier.
Making university irrelevant
For many high schoolers in the U.S., going to university is not going to be feasible in the short term. Young people are faced with massive challenges in today’s world, and spending around 100K USD to study for four years is a weight they cannot support.
In today’s world, people need to learn relevant skills and start working within 1 - 2 years max. Once they have an income, they can start leveling up other areas of their lives piece by piece.
Treehouse education makes going to university no longer required. With a Treehouse Techdegree education, students can get into their first tech job within months of graduating from the course.
Treehouse is a great choice of curriculum
Traditionally, in the United States, high school hasn’t taught computer science. Now, there are several options for curriculum that schools can take on.
For schools that don’t yet have a computer science curriculum, Treehouse is a great option for bringing top-quality curriculum to your Highschool.
The Treehouse curriculum is designed by subject matter experts, and the courses are taught by skilled and qualified instructors. The student success specialists have all completed the Treehouse material and have debugged Treehouse curriculum-based apps hundreds of times.
Using Treehouse curriculum at your high school makes more sense than designing your own curriculum independently. The Treehouse curriculum is well-designed and has been proven over time.
ARISE High School improved their skill with tech education
This project was the first time ARISE High School took on the challenge of running the Treehouse Techdegrees at their high school, and they learned several key lessons with this cohort. The educators at ARISE wanted to share some of their learnings to help guide future educators who are taking on this immense and rewarding challenge!
Cultural attitudes towards education
One of the most important things when it comes to education is working through your community’s cultural understandings of tech, math, and science. In the ARISE community, many people are hesitant to sign up for coding courses because they have an inherited opinion that it will be difficult and they won’t be able to do it.
Overcoming these “I can’t do code” and “I can’t do math” attitudes is one of the most significant challenges for educators looking to bring Treehouse Techdegrees to their high school.
ARISE high school learned how to handle these attitudes and encourage their students to take on coding even though it may be intimidating at first!
Prerequisite skill level is important to define
High school students have dramatically different skill levels when it comes to computer science. Some students have had a lot of exposure to computer science concepts through their family or their interests, and others have no exposure at all.
In today’s mobile-first world, many students are still learning to type in high school. Many students might not have a laptop at home, as families shift to using tablets or mobile devices instead of desktop computers.
Online education is on the rise, but in a lot of cases, the answers are multiple-choice or short answers. Some students are completing their online assignments with tablets.
It’s deeply important to evaluate the student’s level and place them in an appropriate program with Treehouse. There are more broad and conceptual courses, such as the introduction to computer science course, that might be better for students with less exposure to computers.
The Techdegree is great for those students who are ready to get hands-on with code. Treehouse Techdegrees are targeted at people who know they want to become a developer.
One thing ARISE High School learned is that it’s important for students to be independent learners to take on the Techdegree. The Techdegree is a big challenge, and the students who had the most success were the students who were independently driven to complete the program.
Competition for attention
High school students have a lot on their plate already. A typical high school student will have 5 courses a semester. They might be in one or two sports. Some may be doing applications to colleges or universities. Then on top of that, they have their family and friends.
High school students are learning to do time management for the first time. This means they don’t always know how to do time management, and sometimes they make mistakes or get overwhelmed.
Beyond the typical demands for attention, many high school students struggle with instabilities at home.
Tech education with Treehouse has to compete with all of these demands. It’s important to work in how and when your students will get the course work done if you want them to be successful with the program.
The Treehouse Techdegree takes more than one semester
In a semester-based education system, it’s difficult to complete an entire Techdegree unless the program is a 1-year long program. If your goal is to have the students complete the Techdegree, make sure they have in-class time for at least 1 year to complete it.
Accessible tech education is more important than ever
Today, in the U.S., the public education system is competing for tech talent with the tech industry. As a result, public education in the U.S. struggles to secure talented teachers for computer science and coding.
Treehouse is a great way to combat this issue and bring education to students who really need it. The Treehouse curriculum is written by subject matter experts, then our student support specialists facilitate the distribution of that information to thousands of students.
If you partner with an online education institution such as Treehouse, a dedicated teacher, regardless of their knowledge of coding, can deliver great technical education to their students.
“The only really long term solution to the problems we’re facing in the 21st century is to have better education” - Graham Woolley, ARISE Highschool Teacher
We can use tools like Treehouse to increase the education level in subjects areas where the public systems don’t have reach.
Partner with Treehouse!
Partner with Treehouse to deliver great tech education to your students. Check out our available curriculum on our content library, and consider if doing Techdegrees at your high school are a good fit.
Sign up for the Treehouse free trial and get into the curriculum on your own! Or, contact us at support@teamtreehouse.com and we’ll walk you through it.
Interested in some of Treehouse’s other partnerships? Check out how we support AnitaB.org with their Tech apprenticeships.
Having Treehouse Techdegrees on their university applications is a significant factor for entrance into universities.
For students that are looking to go to university, completing the Treehouse Techdegree will significantly affect their application to university. The Techdegree education is already at a university level, making passing the first-year university courses much easier.
Making university irrelevant
For many high schoolers in the U.S., going to university is not going to be feasible in the short term. Young people are faced with massive challenges in today’s world, and spending around 100K USD to study for four years is a weight they cannot support.
In today’s world, people need to learn relevant skills and start working within 1 - 2 years max. Once they have an income, they can start leveling up other areas of their lives piece by piece.
Treehouse education makes going to university no longer required. With a Treehouse Techdegree education, students can get into their first tech job within months of graduating from the course.
Treehouse is a great choice of curriculum
Traditionally, in the United States, high school hasn’t taught computer science. Now, there are several options for curriculum that schools can take on.
For schools that don’t yet have a computer science curriculum, Treehouse is a great option for bringing top-quality curriculum to your Highschool.
The Treehouse curriculum is designed by subject matter experts, and the courses are taught by skilled and qualified instructors. The student success specialists have all completed the Treehouse material and have debugged Treehouse curriculum-based apps hundreds of times.
Using Treehouse curriculum at your high school makes more sense than designing your own curriculum independently. The Treehouse curriculum is well-designed and has been proven over time.
ARISE High School improved their skill with tech education
This project was the first time ARISE High School took on the challenge of running the Treehouse Techdegrees at their high school, and they learned several key lessons with this cohort. The educators at ARISE wanted to share some of their learnings to help guide future educators who are taking on this immense and rewarding challenge!
Cultural attitudes towards education
One of the most important things when it comes to education is working through your community’s cultural understandings of tech, math, and science. In the ARISE community, many people are hesitant to sign up for coding courses because they have an inherited opinion that it will be difficult and they won’t be able to do it.
Overcoming these “I can’t do code” and “I can’t do math” attitudes is one of the most significant challenges for educators looking to bring Treehouse Techdegrees to their high school.
ARISE high school learned how to handle these attitudes and encourage their students to take on coding even though it may be intimidating at first!
Prerequisite skill level is important to define
High school students have dramatically different skill levels when it comes to computer science. Some students have had a lot of exposure to computer science concepts through their family or their interests, and others have no exposure at all.
In today’s mobile-first world, many students are still learning to type in high school. Many students might not have a laptop at home, as families shift to using tablets or mobile devices instead of desktop computers.
Online education is on the rise, but in a lot of cases, the answers are multiple-choice or short answers. Some students are completing their online assignments with tablets.
It’s deeply important to evaluate the student’s level and place them in an appropriate program with Treehouse. There are more broad and conceptual courses, such as the introduction to computer science course, that might be better for students with less exposure to computers.
The Techdegree is great for those students who are ready to get hands-on with code. Treehouse Techdegrees are targeted at people who know they want to become a developer.
One thing ARISE High School learned is that it’s important for students to be independent learners to take on the Techdegree. The Techdegree is a big challenge, and the students who had the most success were the students who were independently driven to complete the program.
Competition for attention
High school students have a lot on their plate already. A typical high school student will have 5 courses a semester. They might be in one or two sports. Some may be doing applications to colleges or universities. Then on top of that, they have their family and friends.
High school students are learning to do time management for the first time. This means they don’t always know how to do time management, and sometimes they make mistakes or get overwhelmed.
Beyond the typical demands for attention, many high school students struggle with instabilities at home.
Tech education with Treehouse has to compete with all of these demands. It’s important to work in how and when your students will get the course work done if you want them to be successful with the program.
The Treehouse Techdegree takes more than one semester
In a semester-based education system, it’s difficult to complete an entire Techdegree unless the program is a 1-year long program. If your goal is to have the students complete the Techdegree, make sure they have in-class time for at least 1 year to complete it.
Accessible tech education is more important than ever
Today, in the U.S., the public education system is competing for tech talent with the tech industry. As a result, public education in the U.S. struggles to secure talented teachers for computer science and coding.
Treehouse is a great way to combat this issue and bring education to students who really need it. The Treehouse curriculum is written by subject matter experts, then our student support specialists facilitate the distribution of that information to thousands of students.
If you partner with an online education institution such as Treehouse, a dedicated teacher, regardless of their knowledge of coding, can deliver great technical education to their students.
“The only really long term solution to the problems we’re facing in the 21st century is to have better education” - Graham Woolley, ARISE Highschool Teacher
We can use tools like Treehouse to increase the education level in subjects areas where the public systems don’t have reach.
Partner with Treehouse!
Partner with Treehouse to deliver great tech education to your students. Check out our available curriculum on our content library, and consider if doing Techdegrees at your high school are a good fit.
Sign up for the Treehouse free trial and get into the curriculum on your own! Or, contact us at support@teamtreehouse.com and we’ll walk you through it.
Interested in some of Treehouse’s other partnerships? Check out how we support AnitaB.org with their Tech apprenticeships.
For many high schoolers in the U.S., going to university is not going to be feasible in the short term. Young people are faced with massive challenges in today’s world, and spending around 100K USD to study for four years is a weight they cannot support.
In today’s world, people need to learn relevant skills and start working within 1 - 2 years max. Once they have an income, they can start leveling up other areas of their lives piece by piece.
Treehouse education makes going to university no longer required. With a Treehouse Techdegree education, students can get into their first tech job within months of graduating from the course.
Treehouse is a great choice of curriculum
Traditionally, in the United States, high school hasn’t taught computer science. Now, there are several options for curriculum that schools can take on.
For schools that don’t yet have a computer science curriculum, Treehouse is a great option for bringing top-quality curriculum to your Highschool.
The Treehouse curriculum is designed by subject matter experts, and the courses are taught by skilled and qualified instructors. The student success specialists have all completed the Treehouse material and have debugged Treehouse curriculum-based apps hundreds of times.
Using Treehouse curriculum at your high school makes more sense than designing your own curriculum independently. The Treehouse curriculum is well-designed and has been proven over time.
ARISE High School improved their skill with tech education
This project was the first time ARISE High School took on the challenge of running the Treehouse Techdegrees at their high school, and they learned several key lessons with this cohort. The educators at ARISE wanted to share some of their learnings to help guide future educators who are taking on this immense and rewarding challenge!
Cultural attitudes towards education
One of the most important things when it comes to education is working through your community’s cultural understandings of tech, math, and science. In the ARISE community, many people are hesitant to sign up for coding courses because they have an inherited opinion that it will be difficult and they won’t be able to do it.
Overcoming these “I can’t do code” and “I can’t do math” attitudes is one of the most significant challenges for educators looking to bring Treehouse Techdegrees to their high school.
ARISE high school learned how to handle these attitudes and encourage their students to take on coding even though it may be intimidating at first!
Prerequisite skill level is important to define
High school students have dramatically different skill levels when it comes to computer science. Some students have had a lot of exposure to computer science concepts through their family or their interests, and others have no exposure at all.
In today’s mobile-first world, many students are still learning to type in high school. Many students might not have a laptop at home, as families shift to using tablets or mobile devices instead of desktop computers.
Online education is on the rise, but in a lot of cases, the answers are multiple-choice or short answers. Some students are completing their online assignments with tablets.
It’s deeply important to evaluate the student’s level and place them in an appropriate program with Treehouse. There are more broad and conceptual courses, such as the introduction to computer science course, that might be better for students with less exposure to computers.
The Techdegree is great for those students who are ready to get hands-on with code. Treehouse Techdegrees are targeted at people who know they want to become a developer.
One thing ARISE High School learned is that it’s important for students to be independent learners to take on the Techdegree. The Techdegree is a big challenge, and the students who had the most success were the students who were independently driven to complete the program.
Competition for attention
High school students have a lot on their plate already. A typical high school student will have 5 courses a semester. They might be in one or two sports. Some may be doing applications to colleges or universities. Then on top of that, they have their family and friends.
High school students are learning to do time management for the first time. This means they don’t always know how to do time management, and sometimes they make mistakes or get overwhelmed.
Beyond the typical demands for attention, many high school students struggle with instabilities at home.
Tech education with Treehouse has to compete with all of these demands. It’s important to work in how and when your students will get the course work done if you want them to be successful with the program.
The Treehouse Techdegree takes more than one semester
In a semester-based education system, it’s difficult to complete an entire Techdegree unless the program is a 1-year long program. If your goal is to have the students complete the Techdegree, make sure they have in-class time for at least 1 year to complete it.
Accessible tech education is more important than ever
Today, in the U.S., the public education system is competing for tech talent with the tech industry. As a result, public education in the U.S. struggles to secure talented teachers for computer science and coding.
Treehouse is a great way to combat this issue and bring education to students who really need it. The Treehouse curriculum is written by subject matter experts, then our student support specialists facilitate the distribution of that information to thousands of students.
If you partner with an online education institution such as Treehouse, a dedicated teacher, regardless of their knowledge of coding, can deliver great technical education to their students.
“The only really long term solution to the problems we’re facing in the 21st century is to have better education” - Graham Woolley, ARISE Highschool Teacher
We can use tools like Treehouse to increase the education level in subjects areas where the public systems don’t have reach.
Partner with Treehouse!
Partner with Treehouse to deliver great tech education to your students. Check out our available curriculum on our content library, and consider if doing Techdegrees at your high school are a good fit.
Sign up for the Treehouse free trial and get into the curriculum on your own! Or, contact us at support@teamtreehouse.com and we’ll walk you through it.
Interested in some of Treehouse’s other partnerships? Check out how we support AnitaB.org with their Tech apprenticeships.
Traditionally, in the United States, high school hasn’t taught computer science. Now, there are several options for curriculum that schools can take on.
For schools that don’t yet have a computer science curriculum, Treehouse is a great option for bringing top-quality curriculum to your Highschool.
The Treehouse curriculum is designed by subject matter experts, and the courses are taught by skilled and qualified instructors. The student success specialists have all completed the Treehouse material and have debugged Treehouse curriculum-based apps hundreds of times.
Using Treehouse curriculum at your high school makes more sense than designing your own curriculum independently. The Treehouse curriculum is well-designed and has been proven over time.
ARISE High School improved their skill with tech education
This project was the first time ARISE High School took on the challenge of running the Treehouse Techdegrees at their high school, and they learned several key lessons with this cohort. The educators at ARISE wanted to share some of their learnings to help guide future educators who are taking on this immense and rewarding challenge!
Cultural attitudes towards education
One of the most important things when it comes to education is working through your community’s cultural understandings of tech, math, and science. In the ARISE community, many people are hesitant to sign up for coding courses because they have an inherited opinion that it will be difficult and they won’t be able to do it.
Overcoming these “I can’t do code” and “I can’t do math” attitudes is one of the most significant challenges for educators looking to bring Treehouse Techdegrees to their high school.
ARISE high school learned how to handle these attitudes and encourage their students to take on coding even though it may be intimidating at first!
Prerequisite skill level is important to define
High school students have dramatically different skill levels when it comes to computer science. Some students have had a lot of exposure to computer science concepts through their family or their interests, and others have no exposure at all.
In today’s mobile-first world, many students are still learning to type in high school. Many students might not have a laptop at home, as families shift to using tablets or mobile devices instead of desktop computers.
Online education is on the rise, but in a lot of cases, the answers are multiple-choice or short answers. Some students are completing their online assignments with tablets.
It’s deeply important to evaluate the student’s level and place them in an appropriate program with Treehouse. There are more broad and conceptual courses, such as the introduction to computer science course, that might be better for students with less exposure to computers.
The Techdegree is great for those students who are ready to get hands-on with code. Treehouse Techdegrees are targeted at people who know they want to become a developer.
One thing ARISE High School learned is that it’s important for students to be independent learners to take on the Techdegree. The Techdegree is a big challenge, and the students who had the most success were the students who were independently driven to complete the program.
Competition for attention
High school students have a lot on their plate already. A typical high school student will have 5 courses a semester. They might be in one or two sports. Some may be doing applications to colleges or universities. Then on top of that, they have their family and friends.
High school students are learning to do time management for the first time. This means they don’t always know how to do time management, and sometimes they make mistakes or get overwhelmed.
Beyond the typical demands for attention, many high school students struggle with instabilities at home.
Tech education with Treehouse has to compete with all of these demands. It’s important to work in how and when your students will get the course work done if you want them to be successful with the program.
The Treehouse Techdegree takes more than one semester
In a semester-based education system, it’s difficult to complete an entire Techdegree unless the program is a 1-year long program. If your goal is to have the students complete the Techdegree, make sure they have in-class time for at least 1 year to complete it.
Accessible tech education is more important than ever
Today, in the U.S., the public education system is competing for tech talent with the tech industry. As a result, public education in the U.S. struggles to secure talented teachers for computer science and coding.
Treehouse is a great way to combat this issue and bring education to students who really need it. The Treehouse curriculum is written by subject matter experts, then our student support specialists facilitate the distribution of that information to thousands of students.
If you partner with an online education institution such as Treehouse, a dedicated teacher, regardless of their knowledge of coding, can deliver great technical education to their students.
“The only really long term solution to the problems we’re facing in the 21st century is to have better education” - Graham Woolley, ARISE Highschool Teacher
We can use tools like Treehouse to increase the education level in subjects areas where the public systems don’t have reach.
Partner with Treehouse!
Partner with Treehouse to deliver great tech education to your students. Check out our available curriculum on our content library, and consider if doing Techdegrees at your high school are a good fit.
Sign up for the Treehouse free trial and get into the curriculum on your own! Or, contact us at support@teamtreehouse.com and we’ll walk you through it.
Interested in some of Treehouse’s other partnerships? Check out how we support AnitaB.org with their Tech apprenticeships.
This project was the first time ARISE High School took on the challenge of running the Treehouse Techdegrees at their high school, and they learned several key lessons with this cohort. The educators at ARISE wanted to share some of their learnings to help guide future educators who are taking on this immense and rewarding challenge!
Cultural attitudes towards education
One of the most important things when it comes to education is working through your community’s cultural understandings of tech, math, and science. In the ARISE community, many people are hesitant to sign up for coding courses because they have an inherited opinion that it will be difficult and they won’t be able to do it.
Overcoming these “I can’t do code” and “I can’t do math” attitudes is one of the most significant challenges for educators looking to bring Treehouse Techdegrees to their high school.
ARISE high school learned how to handle these attitudes and encourage their students to take on coding even though it may be intimidating at first!
Prerequisite skill level is important to define
High school students have dramatically different skill levels when it comes to computer science. Some students have had a lot of exposure to computer science concepts through their family or their interests, and others have no exposure at all.
In today’s mobile-first world, many students are still learning to type in high school. Many students might not have a laptop at home, as families shift to using tablets or mobile devices instead of desktop computers.
Online education is on the rise, but in a lot of cases, the answers are multiple-choice or short answers. Some students are completing their online assignments with tablets.
It’s deeply important to evaluate the student’s level and place them in an appropriate program with Treehouse. There are more broad and conceptual courses, such as the introduction to computer science course, that might be better for students with less exposure to computers.
The Techdegree is great for those students who are ready to get hands-on with code. Treehouse Techdegrees are targeted at people who know they want to become a developer.
One thing ARISE High School learned is that it’s important for students to be independent learners to take on the Techdegree. The Techdegree is a big challenge, and the students who had the most success were the students who were independently driven to complete the program.
Competition for attention
High school students have a lot on their plate already. A typical high school student will have 5 courses a semester. They might be in one or two sports. Some may be doing applications to colleges or universities. Then on top of that, they have their family and friends.
High school students are learning to do time management for the first time. This means they don’t always know how to do time management, and sometimes they make mistakes or get overwhelmed.
Beyond the typical demands for attention, many high school students struggle with instabilities at home.
Tech education with Treehouse has to compete with all of these demands. It’s important to work in how and when your students will get the course work done if you want them to be successful with the program.
The Treehouse Techdegree takes more than one semester
In a semester-based education system, it’s difficult to complete an entire Techdegree unless the program is a 1-year long program. If your goal is to have the students complete the Techdegree, make sure they have in-class time for at least 1 year to complete it.
Accessible tech education is more important than ever
Today, in the U.S., the public education system is competing for tech talent with the tech industry. As a result, public education in the U.S. struggles to secure talented teachers for computer science and coding.
Treehouse is a great way to combat this issue and bring education to students who really need it. The Treehouse curriculum is written by subject matter experts, then our student support specialists facilitate the distribution of that information to thousands of students.
If you partner with an online education institution such as Treehouse, a dedicated teacher, regardless of their knowledge of coding, can deliver great technical education to their students.
“The only really long term solution to the problems we’re facing in the 21st century is to have better education” - Graham Woolley, ARISE Highschool Teacher
We can use tools like Treehouse to increase the education level in subjects areas where the public systems don’t have reach.
Partner with Treehouse!
Partner with Treehouse to deliver great tech education to your students. Check out our available curriculum on our content library, and consider if doing Techdegrees at your high school are a good fit.
Sign up for the Treehouse free trial and get into the curriculum on your own! Or, contact us at support@teamtreehouse.com and we’ll walk you through it.
Interested in some of Treehouse’s other partnerships? Check out how we support AnitaB.org with their Tech apprenticeships.
One of the most important things when it comes to education is working through your community’s cultural understandings of tech, math, and science. In the ARISE community, many people are hesitant to sign up for coding courses because they have an inherited opinion that it will be difficult and they won’t be able to do it.
Overcoming these “I can’t do code” and “I can’t do math” attitudes is one of the most significant challenges for educators looking to bring Treehouse Techdegrees to their high school.
ARISE high school learned how to handle these attitudes and encourage their students to take on coding even though it may be intimidating at first!
Prerequisite skill level is important to define
High school students have dramatically different skill levels when it comes to computer science. Some students have had a lot of exposure to computer science concepts through their family or their interests, and others have no exposure at all.
In today’s mobile-first world, many students are still learning to type in high school. Many students might not have a laptop at home, as families shift to using tablets or mobile devices instead of desktop computers.
Online education is on the rise, but in a lot of cases, the answers are multiple-choice or short answers. Some students are completing their online assignments with tablets.
It’s deeply important to evaluate the student’s level and place them in an appropriate program with Treehouse. There are more broad and conceptual courses, such as the introduction to computer science course, that might be better for students with less exposure to computers.
The Techdegree is great for those students who are ready to get hands-on with code. Treehouse Techdegrees are targeted at people who know they want to become a developer.
One thing ARISE High School learned is that it’s important for students to be independent learners to take on the Techdegree. The Techdegree is a big challenge, and the students who had the most success were the students who were independently driven to complete the program.
Competition for attention
High school students have a lot on their plate already. A typical high school student will have 5 courses a semester. They might be in one or two sports. Some may be doing applications to colleges or universities. Then on top of that, they have their family and friends.
High school students are learning to do time management for the first time. This means they don’t always know how to do time management, and sometimes they make mistakes or get overwhelmed.
Beyond the typical demands for attention, many high school students struggle with instabilities at home.
Tech education with Treehouse has to compete with all of these demands. It’s important to work in how and when your students will get the course work done if you want them to be successful with the program.
The Treehouse Techdegree takes more than one semester
In a semester-based education system, it’s difficult to complete an entire Techdegree unless the program is a 1-year long program. If your goal is to have the students complete the Techdegree, make sure they have in-class time for at least 1 year to complete it.
Accessible tech education is more important than ever
Today, in the U.S., the public education system is competing for tech talent with the tech industry. As a result, public education in the U.S. struggles to secure talented teachers for computer science and coding.
Treehouse is a great way to combat this issue and bring education to students who really need it. The Treehouse curriculum is written by subject matter experts, then our student support specialists facilitate the distribution of that information to thousands of students.
If you partner with an online education institution such as Treehouse, a dedicated teacher, regardless of their knowledge of coding, can deliver great technical education to their students.
“The only really long term solution to the problems we’re facing in the 21st century is to have better education” - Graham Woolley, ARISE Highschool Teacher
We can use tools like Treehouse to increase the education level in subjects areas where the public systems don’t have reach.
Partner with Treehouse!
Partner with Treehouse to deliver great tech education to your students. Check out our available curriculum on our content library, and consider if doing Techdegrees at your high school are a good fit.
Sign up for the Treehouse free trial and get into the curriculum on your own! Or, contact us at support@teamtreehouse.com and we’ll walk you through it.
Interested in some of Treehouse’s other partnerships? Check out how we support AnitaB.org with their Tech apprenticeships.
High school students have dramatically different skill levels when it comes to computer science. Some students have had a lot of exposure to computer science concepts through their family or their interests, and others have no exposure at all.
In today’s mobile-first world, many students are still learning to type in high school. Many students might not have a laptop at home, as families shift to using tablets or mobile devices instead of desktop computers.
Online education is on the rise, but in a lot of cases, the answers are multiple-choice or short answers. Some students are completing their online assignments with tablets.
It’s deeply important to evaluate the student’s level and place them in an appropriate program with Treehouse. There are more broad and conceptual courses, such as the introduction to computer science course, that might be better for students with less exposure to computers.
The Techdegree is great for those students who are ready to get hands-on with code. Treehouse Techdegrees are targeted at people who know they want to become a developer.
One thing ARISE High School learned is that it’s important for students to be independent learners to take on the Techdegree. The Techdegree is a big challenge, and the students who had the most success were the students who were independently driven to complete the program.
Competition for attention
High school students have a lot on their plate already. A typical high school student will have 5 courses a semester. They might be in one or two sports. Some may be doing applications to colleges or universities. Then on top of that, they have their family and friends.
High school students are learning to do time management for the first time. This means they don’t always know how to do time management, and sometimes they make mistakes or get overwhelmed.
Beyond the typical demands for attention, many high school students struggle with instabilities at home.
Tech education with Treehouse has to compete with all of these demands. It’s important to work in how and when your students will get the course work done if you want them to be successful with the program.
The Treehouse Techdegree takes more than one semester
In a semester-based education system, it’s difficult to complete an entire Techdegree unless the program is a 1-year long program. If your goal is to have the students complete the Techdegree, make sure they have in-class time for at least 1 year to complete it.
Accessible tech education is more important than ever
Today, in the U.S., the public education system is competing for tech talent with the tech industry. As a result, public education in the U.S. struggles to secure talented teachers for computer science and coding.
Treehouse is a great way to combat this issue and bring education to students who really need it. The Treehouse curriculum is written by subject matter experts, then our student support specialists facilitate the distribution of that information to thousands of students.
If you partner with an online education institution such as Treehouse, a dedicated teacher, regardless of their knowledge of coding, can deliver great technical education to their students.
“The only really long term solution to the problems we’re facing in the 21st century is to have better education” - Graham Woolley, ARISE Highschool Teacher
We can use tools like Treehouse to increase the education level in subjects areas where the public systems don’t have reach.
Partner with Treehouse!
Partner with Treehouse to deliver great tech education to your students. Check out our available curriculum on our content library, and consider if doing Techdegrees at your high school are a good fit.
Sign up for the Treehouse free trial and get into the curriculum on your own! Or, contact us at support@teamtreehouse.com and we’ll walk you through it.
Interested in some of Treehouse’s other partnerships? Check out how we support AnitaB.org with their Tech apprenticeships.
High school students have a lot on their plate already. A typical high school student will have 5 courses a semester. They might be in one or two sports. Some may be doing applications to colleges or universities. Then on top of that, they have their family and friends.
High school students are learning to do time management for the first time. This means they don’t always know how to do time management, and sometimes they make mistakes or get overwhelmed.
Beyond the typical demands for attention, many high school students struggle with instabilities at home.
Tech education with Treehouse has to compete with all of these demands. It’s important to work in how and when your students will get the course work done if you want them to be successful with the program.
The Treehouse Techdegree takes more than one semester
In a semester-based education system, it’s difficult to complete an entire Techdegree unless the program is a 1-year long program. If your goal is to have the students complete the Techdegree, make sure they have in-class time for at least 1 year to complete it.
Accessible tech education is more important than ever
Today, in the U.S., the public education system is competing for tech talent with the tech industry. As a result, public education in the U.S. struggles to secure talented teachers for computer science and coding.
Treehouse is a great way to combat this issue and bring education to students who really need it. The Treehouse curriculum is written by subject matter experts, then our student support specialists facilitate the distribution of that information to thousands of students.
If you partner with an online education institution such as Treehouse, a dedicated teacher, regardless of their knowledge of coding, can deliver great technical education to their students.
“The only really long term solution to the problems we’re facing in the 21st century is to have better education” - Graham Woolley, ARISE Highschool Teacher
We can use tools like Treehouse to increase the education level in subjects areas where the public systems don’t have reach.
Partner with Treehouse!
Partner with Treehouse to deliver great tech education to your students. Check out our available curriculum on our content library, and consider if doing Techdegrees at your high school are a good fit.
Sign up for the Treehouse free trial and get into the curriculum on your own! Or, contact us at support@teamtreehouse.com and we’ll walk you through it.
Interested in some of Treehouse’s other partnerships? Check out how we support AnitaB.org with their Tech apprenticeships.
In a semester-based education system, it’s difficult to complete an entire Techdegree unless the program is a 1-year long program. If your goal is to have the students complete the Techdegree, make sure they have in-class time for at least 1 year to complete it.
Accessible tech education is more important than ever
Today, in the U.S., the public education system is competing for tech talent with the tech industry. As a result, public education in the U.S. struggles to secure talented teachers for computer science and coding.
Treehouse is a great way to combat this issue and bring education to students who really need it. The Treehouse curriculum is written by subject matter experts, then our student support specialists facilitate the distribution of that information to thousands of students.
If you partner with an online education institution such as Treehouse, a dedicated teacher, regardless of their knowledge of coding, can deliver great technical education to their students.
“The only really long term solution to the problems we’re facing in the 21st century is to have better education” - Graham Woolley, ARISE Highschool Teacher
We can use tools like Treehouse to increase the education level in subjects areas where the public systems don’t have reach.
Partner with Treehouse!
Partner with Treehouse to deliver great tech education to your students. Check out our available curriculum on our content library, and consider if doing Techdegrees at your high school are a good fit.
Sign up for the Treehouse free trial and get into the curriculum on your own! Or, contact us at support@teamtreehouse.com and we’ll walk you through it.
Interested in some of Treehouse’s other partnerships? Check out how we support AnitaB.org with their Tech apprenticeships.
Today, in the U.S., the public education system is competing for tech talent with the tech industry. As a result, public education in the U.S. struggles to secure talented teachers for computer science and coding.
Treehouse is a great way to combat this issue and bring education to students who really need it. The Treehouse curriculum is written by subject matter experts, then our student support specialists facilitate the distribution of that information to thousands of students.
If you partner with an online education institution such as Treehouse, a dedicated teacher, regardless of their knowledge of coding, can deliver great technical education to their students.
“The only really long term solution to the problems we’re facing in the 21st century is to have better education” - Graham Woolley, ARISE Highschool Teacher
We can use tools like Treehouse to increase the education level in subjects areas where the public systems don’t have reach.
Partner with Treehouse!
Partner with Treehouse to deliver great tech education to your students. Check out our available curriculum on our content library, and consider if doing Techdegrees at your high school are a good fit.
Sign up for the Treehouse free trial and get into the curriculum on your own! Or, contact us at support@teamtreehouse.com and we’ll walk you through it.
Interested in some of Treehouse’s other partnerships? Check out how we support AnitaB.org with their Tech apprenticeships.
Partner with Treehouse to deliver great tech education to your students. Check out our available curriculum on our content library, and consider if doing Techdegrees at your high school are a good fit.
Sign up for the Treehouse free trial and get into the curriculum on your own! Or, contact us at support@teamtreehouse.com and we’ll walk you through it.
Interested in some of Treehouse’s other partnerships? Check out how we support AnitaB.org with their Tech apprenticeships.

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Learning with Treehouse for only 30 minutes a day can teach you the skills needed to land the job that you've been dreaming about.
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