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JavaScript JavaScript Basics (Retired) Introducing JavaScript Write Another Program

Sam Khavafipour
Sam Khavafipour
336 Points

Hello! I'm struggling to finish a challenge. Initially, I'm adding a script tag fine. When I go to add a second,

script, it effects the first script executing.

I re-watched the videos many times and trying my best to follow Mr. McFarland.

Any help will be appreciated...

  <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
  <title>JavaScript Basics</title>
  <script src="newscripts.js"> </script>

1 Answer

Ken Alger
Ken Alger
Treehouse Teacher


Welcome to Treehouse!

It looks like you have added an extra set of script tags with the src attribute. The challenge doesn't mention doing that, and that is likely the culprit as your code works fine through the challenge without them.

Happy coding,


Sam Khavafipour
Sam Khavafipour
336 Points

Hey Ken!

Many thanks for your response to my question. I was getting ahead of myself!

I also missed the *Important note when I was doing this challenge.

I'm really enjoying TreeHouse thus far. Thanks again!

best, Sam