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I am getting error when I am loading my index page.

I have included all the project files in the shirts folder in the htdocs of the XAMPP. When I am loading the project in the browser, I am getting error like this-

Warning: include(C:/xampp/htdocs/inc/products.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:\xampp\htdocs\shirts\index.php on line 4

Warning: include(): Failed opening 'C:/xampp/htdocs/inc/products.php' for inclusion (include_path='C:\xampp\php\PEAR') in C:\xampp\htdocs\shirts\index.php on line 4

Fatal error: Call to undefined function get_products_recent() in C:\xampp\htdocs\shirts\index.php on line 5

I think, the problem is here- include(ROOT_PATH . "inc/products.php"); I am unable to reload my front page. While I have successfully connected to PDO.


include(ROOT_PATH . "inc/products.php");
$recent = get_products_recent();

$pageTitle = "Unique T-shirts designed by a frog";
$section = "home";
include(ROOT_PATH . 'inc/header.php'); ?>
        <div class="section banner">

            <div class="wrapper">

                <img class="hero" src="<?php echo BASE_URL; ?>img/mike-the-frog.png" alt="Mike the Frog says:">
                <div class="button">
                    <a href="<?php echo BASE_URL; ?>shirts.php">
                        <h2>Hey, I&rsquo;m Mike!</h2>
                        <p>Check Out My Shirts</p>


        <div class="section shirts latest">

            <div class="wrapper">

                <h2>Mike&rsquo;s Latest Shirts</h2>

                <ul class="products">
                        foreach(array_reverse($recent) as $product) {
                            include(ROOT_PATH . "inc/partial-product-list-view.html.php");



<?php include(ROOT_PATH . 'inc/footer.php') ?>
Kristian Gausel
Kristian Gausel
14,661 Points

You need to include your file / folder structure for us to be able to help on this, considering the error you get is that the file 'C:/xampp/htdocs/inc/products.php' can't be found

In the XAMPP folder, I have the root directory known as htdocs. I have includes all the files in a "shirts" folder inside htdocs. And back in the browser I am trying- localhost/shirts. But it is showing errors as described above. When I tried to change the include function like this-include("inc/products.php"); instead of include(ROOT_PATH . "inc/products.php");. It is loading HTML documents only. I think I am having problem with including files. But it shouldn't occour as I didn't mess with the files.

Kristian Gausel
Kristian Gausel
14,661 Points

Your folder structure should look like this

| - shirts
| - - index.php
| - inc
| - - products.php

Yes Kristian Gausel , the folder structure is same. I think, the ROOT PATH should be shirts but in my case it is happening like that -C:/xampp/htdocs/inc/products.php. I have removed wherever the ROOT PATH, it is gettin correct. But I want to work the way it has been implemented. Thanks a lot for your support.

Kristian Gausel
Kristian Gausel
14,661 Points

Can you post your config.php contents?


    // these two constants are used to create root-relative web addresses
    // and absolute server paths throughout all the code

    define("ROOT_PATH",$_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/");
Kristian Gausel
Kristian Gausel
14,661 Points

Have you tried to use relative imports?


1 Answer

jason chan
jason chan
31,009 Points
include 'vars.php';

you don't pass in include in parens it's just quotes


Kristian Gausel
Kristian Gausel
14,661 Points

Not the cause of his problem, as both are allowed.