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Python Introducing Lists Using Lists Continental

I am having trouble calling the list "A" list items in this challenge.

I've tried [0, 3, 5, 6] in different methods, including creating a new list and calling that. I'm genuinely stuck on this portion and can't find any clarification in the video for calling list items by character. Much appreciated!

continents = [
    'South America',
    'North America',
for c in continents :
    print("* " + c)

2 Answers

To get the first letter of the string c, you could use c[0]. You could then compare the first letter to 'A'.

Another way would be to use the startswith method on your string, such as s.startswith('A') which will give you either true or false.

I'm just stumped here. I tried "if c[0] = "A" " and got a syntax error. We haven't learned anything about the "startswith" method yet. To be clear I have to call continents that start with an 'A' and list them. This exact method hasn't been taught in the video prior to this, I cannot figure a way around this. The hint says "HINT: Remember that you can access characters in a string by index".

c[0] = "A" tries to assign the value "A" to c[0]. c[0] == "A" compares the values.

for c in continents :
if c[0] == "A" print("* " + c) I'm getting syntax error on what I thought would make total sense. Any help here with layout of proper syntax would be much appreciated, this is the first challenge that's left me stuck and i've been thinking on it since yesterday. I may not be built for this, haha.

for c in continents :
    if c[0] == "A": 
        print("* " + c)

You were missing the colon at the end of your if statement.