- Counting Results 4:41
- Counting Results 2 objectives
- Counting Groups of Rows 2:21
- Counting Groups 2 objectives
- Getting the Grand Total 5:31
- Summing Values 1 objective
- Calculating Averages 2:01
- Averaging Values 1 objective
- Getting Minimum and Maximum Values 2:08
- Calculating the Minimum and Maximum Values 1 objective
- Performing Math on Numeric Types 4:35
- Performing Math 1 objective
- Practice Session 2:31
- Review: Aggregate and Numeric Functions 5 questions
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You have completed Review: Aggregate and Numeric Functions!

Quiz Question 1 of 5
What is the result you should expect from the following query?
SELECT COUNT(platform) FROM games;
Choose the correct answer below: