You can create an account for the gift recipient, assuming the gift receiver doesn’t yet have an account, and input your own billing method.
This will pay for the account for as long as it is active. Your complete payment information will never be visible to them. To start a trial, go here. In each case, after starting a trial, you can enter your credit card details to pay for the subscription. After doing so, you can give the account credentials to the gift recipient or email us at and we'll send the recipient a welcome email!
You can pay for the recipient via a billing invoice and when we receive payment, we’ll apply it to their account as credit (or first send them an invite to join and then apply the credit) to pay for a designated amount of months. Your billing information won’t ever be associated with the account. This method requires a three month minimum pre-purchase and is non-refundable. We accept payment by credit/debit card, PayPal, check, or wire transfer for this option. Please email if you'd like to choose this option.