Person floating with tech circling around them

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Start your Treehouse learning with the “Learn to Code for Beginners” Track and get your first month for just $5—that’s 80% off our normal price! In this Track, you’ll be introduced to all of the fundamentals involved in launching a high-paying career in tech, whether you want to “learn to code” or become a designer. Plus, you’ll have unlimited access to our full learning library that includes dozens of the most in-demand topics in tech today.

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2 hours Track

Learn to Code for Beginners

This Track will give you an overview of various programming languages and disciplines that are essential to a career in the industry. You'll get an introduction to Computer Science, User Experience (UX) Design, Front-End Web Development and fundamental concepts of modern programming languages like Python and JavaScript.

This Track is ideal for someone who's ready to dive in but isn't sure where to start. All the workshops are well-suited for a true beginner, no matter your background. Knowing the basics of each will help you figure out which field to study and a career path that works best for you!

You'll start this Track with a workshop introducing you to fundamental Computer Science (CS) concepts, including the history of computer science, key terms, and common elements across multiple disciplines.

Next, you'll learn about User Experience (UX) design and get to know UX's role in the world around us. Then, learn about the distinct roles of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript in web development while building a small project using HTML and CSS.

The next step in your coding journey is establishing a foundation in JavaScript. You'll get an introduction to Full Stack JavaScript along with the concepts of "front-end" and "back-end" development and start writing JavaScript to make changes to web pages.

Once you're familiar with JavaScript, you'll learn how Python differs from other programming languages, then dive into writing Python code and creating your first small program.

  • An entry-level salary for the technologies covered in this track is about $78,000 / yr on average.

  • Some companies that use these technologies regularly include: Apple, IBM, Google, General Motors, Boeing