- Design
- Beginner
About this Course
This course will not only cover the basics of logo design but will also walk through the process of creating a logo from start to finish. Follow Mat Helme in his pursuit to create a logo for a task manager app called ODOT, while using his process known as the "Logo Sprint".
What you'll learn
- Design
Logo Design 101
In this collection of videos the absolute basics of what logo design is will be covered. You will learn what a logo is and why it's different than a brand. Also what makes a great logo and what the typical logo design process looks like. By the end of the series you will have an absolute basic knowledge of logo design.
5 steps-
What is a Logo?
Different Types of Logos
What Makes a Successful Logo?
The Typical Logo Design Process
Logo Design 101 Quiz
8 questions
Extra Credit
If you haven't already created a Pinterest account, do so. Then start a board to collect your favorite logos and have them for reference for future projects.
The Logo Sprint
Unlike the typical logo design process which can be long and tedious, the Logo Sprint is intended to be quick and effective. In this stage you will follow the process of the Logo Sprint and see how you can apply it to your future logo designs.
8 steps-
The Sprint Process
Mind Mapping
Adding Color
Things to Remember When Designing a Logo
Logo Sprint Quiz
9 questions
Extra Credit
After completing this stage it will be time to push your logo design skills to a new level. Apply this process to your next logo design project. If you don't have one, make one up. Simply ask a friend or family member if they were to start a business what it would be. Then have them explain their vision in detail. From there you can start The Logo Sprint process.
Be sure the share your designs on the Forum. I can't wait to see them.
Mat Helme
Designer, Illustrator, Front End Web Developer, Author, Teacher, and currently Designer & Illustrative lead @Google. Follow me on Twitter @mathelme or visit my personal site at MatHelme.com