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Elinor Armsby
Elinor Armsby
13,663 Points

Same content as another course

This content seems to be almost exactly the same as another course in the same track. Seems like a waste of time to have to repeat so much content. The course content was simply updated, why not remove the old course from the track?

3 Answers

Daniel Montgomery
.a{fill-rule:evenodd;}techdegree seal-36
Daniel Montgomery
Treehouse Staff

Hey there Elinor Armsby, The duplicate of this course (the older one with less content) is set to be retired on May 1st, 2021.

Our system doesn't automatically retire content instantly based on where all it could appear and who all could be using the original content. Normally, content isn't this similar so it's less obvious and inconvenient. I do understand the frustration and any confusion it could cause in the meantime and I do apologize.

Elinor Armsby
Elinor Armsby
13,663 Points

Thanks. I understand why you wouldn't want to completely retire the course. My issue is that both courses remain required in the track. I've definitely taken other tracks where one course had been updated and I was prompted to continue the track with the old course or update the track to take the new version.

Daniel Montgomery
.a{fill-rule:evenodd;}techdegree seal-36
Daniel Montgomery
Treehouse Staff

Ah, I understand. I misunderstood at first, my apologies. I will be sure to put in a ticket to have this rectified. Thank you for pointing this out Elinor Armsby!