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Python Write Better Python Cleaner Code Function and Class Whitespace

Blank White Space

Can someone help me! I've been stuck for ever!

def first_function(arg1):
    return 'arg1 is {}'.format(arg1)

def second_function(arg1):
    return 'arg1 is {}'.format(arg1)

class MyClass:
    args = [1, 2, 3]

    def class_func(self):
        return self.args

1 Answer

Jennifer Nordell
Jennifer Nordell
Treehouse Teacher

Hi there! You are sooooo close. All you need is a blank new line at the bottom. But don't forget that the challenge does an automatic indentation here when you make the new line. So if you run it again, you'll see that there's whitespace. Use the backspace to remove the indentation and recheck your work. Good luck! :sparkles: