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In this live demonstration, Dustin builds a chat app UI (user interface) using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The slick design includes a toggle button for dark mode. The GitHub link in the teacher's notes includes both the starter files and the completed code. You can follow along and build the project yourself, as well as study Dustin's version. Note that he builds only the UI, not the chat app itself.
Project Files
This GitHub repository includes both the starter files and the completed code.
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Sign up[MUSIC] 0:00 Okay, so if you're following along, this is super beginner friendly, 0:08 we will be using SCSS instead of CSS, but we won't do anything complex with it. 0:13 We are just gonna use that for nesting just to make writing the styles 0:18 a little bit faster since we don't have too much time. 0:23 So if you want to follow along, 0:26 the GitHub link is in the chat. 0:31 You can copy that, and cd desktop, git clone, 0:35 paste it in there, and we'll get working. 0:40 If anyone wants to see what this looks like when we're finished, 0:45 this is a finished version of it. 0:48 It's just a simple chat-app UI. 0:50 Nothing really does anything. 0:53 This is very basic, but 0:55 we do have this toggle switch here that will generate a sweet little dark mode. 0:56 It'll be pretty fun. 1:02 So also, if you see an error in my code while I'm working, please let me know. 1:03 I am not perfect. 1:08 So let's grab our git clone, and 1:11 we'll open it up in our text editor. 1:16 To go over what we have so far in here, it's pretty basic. 1:22 We just have a standard HTML file. 1:25 We have a mockups folder, 1:28 which will have our dark theme mock up as well as our light theme. 1:30 We have all of our icons as SVGs. 1:35 We have an app.js, which is empty. 1:38 We will write all of that. 1:40 And we have a styles.css file with, let's see, 1:42 we have a font import for our font, and we're using it here. 1:46 And we're also kind of giving the browser somewhat of a reset. 1:51 And all of our theme colors are already here so that we can save some time. 1:54 So in our body rule, we have these variables set up. 1:59 And if you're unfamiliar with CSS variables, 2:03 we'll kind of go over them together while we're building it. 2:05 So this is our theme, this is what the colors for everything will be. 2:08 And when we give the class of "dark" to our body, 2:12 we'll have all of these colors overriding all of these. 2:15 So we'll do all that together, though, but we do have these colors already here. 2:19 So our light theme is here, and our dark theme is here. 2:24 I will go ahead and 2:27 copy all of this because I'm gonna convert this really quickly to SCSS. 2:28 You can follow along with CSS, if you'd like. 2:33 Or if you're familiar with SCSS, you can do that too. 2:36 We're just gonna use SCSS for nesting. 2:38 So I will do that really quickly. 2:42 So let's do mkdir, we'll do styles, 2:45 we will touch styles.css, 2:50 then make my editor a little bit smaller. 2:54 Can everybody still see the editor, okay? 3:00 Is it still legible? 3:02 >> Yes >> Sweet, okay. 3:04 All right. 3:13 Okay, I see what I did. 3:18 Okay, sass styles.scss -> styles.css. 3:24 I'll drag all of those into here. 3:30 I will create a CSS folder. 3:34 Don't worry if this doesn't make any sense, I'm just setting this up with Sass. 3:37 I probably should just did this pre, but we're doing it now. 3:41 Sweet, and let's start watching for changes. 3:48 And I'm not seeing changes. 3:57 Cd styles, sass --watch. 4:08 There we go. 4:12 All right, so now we have our styles compiling, great. 4:13 Okay, so let's get started. 4:16 I will open up the mockup on the right. 4:19 Actually, let's open this up in the browser. 4:23 Push this to the right and the editor to the left. 4:30 I'll close the terminal, we don't really need that anymore. 4:35 So let's link first off our stylesheet. 4:37 /styles/css/styles.css, and we might as well do our script tag right now as well. 4:42 Sweet, okay, I'm going to open up the mockup in the browser so 4:51 that we can kind of follow along. 4:56 So this is the mockup, and we will begin building out this UI. 4:58 So let's write the markup for this. 5:04 We can do .chat-interface. 5:06 And actually, let's call this .chat-app since this will hold everything. 5:11 And we're only gonna have one item in here, 5:17 which is gonna be the chat-interface at the bottom. 5:20 So we'll call that .chat-interface. 5:24 And there's gonna be three child elements in this .chat-interface. 5:27 We're gonna have this utilities bar up here. 5:31 We're gonna have this input in the center, and 5:34 we're gonna have another utilities bar at the bottom. 5:36 So those will be our three child elements. 5:39 So let's do a div, a class of utilities, we'll double that. 5:41 And in the center, we'll just put an input with the type of text. 5:47 And we can remove these attributes, 5:52 we're not gonna really need them for this. 5:55 Sweet, okay, so let's start building out this first utilities thing. 5:59 So these dark background colors of gray are <ul> elements, 6:04 and inside are <li> elements. 6:09 So let's see, we have bold, italic, and strikethrough. 6:11 So it's three list items. 6:16 So we'll do ul>li*3. 6:17 And this is Emmet, which is standard in VS Code, I'm pretty sure. 6:22 And then next, we're gonna do the UI for the link icon. 6:29 So ul>li, and I'll add in these icons after. 6:34 And then we have these two little list ones, so we'll do ul>li*2. 6:39 And the last one is for code, so we'll do ul>li. 6:45 And if we scroll all the way to the right, there is another one here for 6:50 our toggle switch. 6:54 So let's go ahead and just put that in a list item as well. 6:55 Okay, so we have our UI structure for our top utilities, 7:00 let's go ahead and add in the icons. 7:04 So they are SVG's, and they are in the icons folder. 7:07 So let's look for bold. 7:12 Sweet, we're just gonna hit Ctrl+A, and then Ctrl+C to copy. 7:15 The zoom thing is in the way. 7:26 Let's see, we'll just manually go to index.html. 7:29 Okay, so we pasted in the bold icon. 7:32 Now, let's do the italic icon. 7:37 Copy all, paste. 7:40 And now, the strikethrough icon, 7:43 copy all, And paste. 7:46 And next, yes. 7:52 >> Just a quick question, when, so once you fired up the live server, 7:54 that's going to be updating the page in real time on the right, correct? 7:59 >> Yep, so right now, we're just looking at the mockup just so 8:05 that we can kind of build the structure. 8:08 The actual web page is pretty empty right now because 8:10 we didn't hit Save on anything. 8:12 >> Of course, that makes perfect sense. 8:14 Okay, thank you. 8:16 >> Yep, so once we build the UI out, I'll pop out of the mockup and 8:17 into the browser, where what we're building is actually gonna show. 8:20 So let's see, in the HTML, we have bold, italic, strikethrough. 8:26 So next, we need this link icon. 8:32 So we'll go over here to link, copy all of that. 8:34 We'll paste that in there. 8:39 Next, we have these two list items. 8:41 So we have a link, no, sorry, list-ol and list-ul, 8:43 doesn't really matter which is which. 8:46 So we'll just copy one, and 8:49 we'll paste that in one of the li's, and we have the other one. 8:51 And we'll paste it, underneath. 8:57 And last icon for this row will be our code icon. 9:05 So let's look for that. 9:08 Copy that. 9:11 I wonder how I can get this zoom user interface thing off my screen so 9:12 I can click my index.html. 9:18 >> If you hit the ellipses and then hide floating meeting controls. 9:20 >> Sweet, did you see those too? they were visible for y'all too? 9:28 No. 9:33 >> Well, thanks. 9:35 [LAUGH] And this last list item is not an icon. 9:37 We're gonna build this out with just CSS. 9:41 And that's just gonna be an input with the type of checkbox. 9:43 So in the last list item for our first utilities instance, 9:47 is just gonna be a input with the type of checkbox. 9:52 And we can delete the name attribute, we're not gonna need that. 9:56 And in the id=darkMode. 9:59 Hit Save, and the browser should look pretty bad. 10:03 We need to style all this up. 10:06 But we will do all that after we finish building up the rest of the UI. 10:08 So next, we have our input, which is going to be, 10:12 let's see this little reply right here. 10:16 So we can go ahead and give a placeholder 10:19 attribute and write in "Reply...." 10:24 And now, we can work on this last utilities panel at the bottom. 10:28 So let's open that up right here. 10:34 All right, so the first item is just one. 10:38 So we'll do a <ul>, we'll do this exactly like the top one. 10:40 And this will be for our plus sign. 10:43 So we can just do this, copy the plus, SVG. 10:45 Paste that in. 10:50 And then the next <ul> will have our video camera and the mic, so do li*2. 10:53 And we'll find video, copy. 11:00 We'll paste that in. 11:04 And now we need to find the mic. 11:06 There we go. 11:09 And we'll paste that in. 11:10 So next, we have the section with the emojis, the @ and the fonts. 11:13 So ul>li*3. 11:18 And we'll do emoji, which I think is face-smile.svg. 11:23 And we have the @, which I think is just @, yeah. 11:31 And we have the fonts, font-solid. 11:39 Awesome, and the last item in this will be our send button CTA. 11:47 So we can just create another li for this just like we did with the checkbox. 11:54 In here, I'll put in the paper-plane icon. 12:00 And underneath, I'll just write Send. 12:05 So, I believe that is everything for our markup. 12:08 Yes, that is everything we need for the mockup. 12:13 So we are done with our HTML, and 12:15 we can start working on the styles cuz this looks pretty bad. 12:17 [LAUGH] So let's let's fix this up. 12:20 Okay, in our stylesheet, I'll open up the HTML to 12:25 the right so you can see just a little bit better. 12:31 I'll make this a little bit smaller. 12:35 If this is too small for anyone, just let me know, and 12:37 I'll make the font size a little bit bigger. 12:40 So let's close everything out on the markup and 12:42 take a look at what our UI looks like. 12:45 So we have one child, which is chat-app. 12:48 So let's select that to .chat-app. 12:51 Set the min-height to 100vh. 12:54 And we'll set display: flex, and flex-direction, we'll do column. 12:58 And the reason for this is because the only item in our chat-app is this 13:05 chat-interface, which in the mockup is pushed all the way to the bottom. 13:09 And a really easy way to do that is by giving its parent a display of flex, 13:13 and then giving a margin top of auto. 13:19 So, we'll write chat-interface, 13:21 and margin-top of auto. 13:27 And it works if I spell it right. 13:30 Sweet, you won't notice anything yet because these svg's are pretty big. 13:34 So if we set a rule for svg's and just give them all a width, like 25 pixels, 13:38 which is just temporary, it'll make it a little smaller. 13:44 But you'll see that our chat-iinterface is now pushed to the bottom of the screen, 13:48 which is exactly what we want. 13:53 And if this looks confusing to you, this is SCSS syntax. 13:55 It's basically nesting this chat-interface inside of chat-app because it 14:00 is a child of it. 14:05 I'm not gonna go into too much detail about it, but it's just a lot easier than 14:06 writing it with CSS and having the right chat-app and then chat-interface. 14:10 So inside of chat-interface, we have our three elements, 14:14 which is our utilities, our input, and our second utilities. 14:18 So let's start working on these utilities. 14:23 We have nothing but <ul> items in here. 14:29 And I would like all of them to be on the left side with this last one, 14:33 which is the checkbox to be on the right, and same with the bottom utilities. 14:38 So, Let's give it a display of flex, 14:45 justify-content: flex-start. 14:53 And if we target, let's see, we'll do ul, 15:00 and we'll also give it a display of flex, 15:05 chat-interface, utilities. 15:12 Is it spelled correctly? 15:19 There, okay, so I misspelled it in the markup. 15:27 So let's fix that. 15:31 Spell it correctly back over here. 15:39 Sweet, there we go. 15:45 So this is starting to kinda take shape. 15:47 Let's give our ul a background-color. 15:49 And we will use these CSS variables, so we can do icon-bg. 15:55 So what we'll do is we'll copy this variable declaration, and 16:01 we'll do background-color, we'll use the var keyword. 16:05 And inside the parentheses, we'll paste in that variable declaration. 16:08 And now, you should see kind of a darker gray background-color. 16:12 And if we target the li and then the svg inside, 16:18 we can give it a color, which we'll call it icon-color. 16:23 And svg's are images, but you can actually use this fill property to color them. 16:30 So we'll do fill: var(--icon-color), and hit Save. 16:38 And you might not notice, but 16:42 it is a little bit lighter than just standard black. 16:44 Okay, so these ul items, give it a border-radius of 16:50 25 pixels to give them kind of that pill shape. 16:54 These li's will give them a fixed height and width. 16:58 Let's do maybe 35 pixels with a width of 35 pixels, make them perfect. 17:01 And in here, this svg will do do a height of, 17:08 say maybe 25 pixels. 17:13 And that looks pretty good. 17:16 Also, in the li, we'll do a list-style of none to remove those dots. 17:18 Sweet, this is starting to kind of take shape, which is nice. 17:24 But right now, this looks a little off because these icons, 17:29 these SVG's are actually in the top left corner of our li elements. 17:32 So, an easy way to center them would be to take our li element and 17:36 give it a display of flex. 17:41 We can justify its content, center, and align the items, center. 17:43 Sweet, now, the icons are centered inside of those list items. 17:50 Let's make them a little bit smaller, though. 17:56 That's too small. 17:59 Let's go. 18:00 I think that looks pretty good. 18:01 Let's give our ul a little bit of left and right padding. 18:04 So we can do padding, do top and bottom, 18:07 we'll just do 0 with maybe 0.25rem, left and right. 18:10 Sweet, this is starting to look a lot better. 18:15 And now, let's give a margin-right of our ul elements, 18:18 1rem of margin-right, which I think looks pretty great. 18:23 Let's get this out the way. 18:29 So now we want to move the last items of each of these utilities all 18:31 the way to the right. 18:35 And because its parent uses flex, we can give this li item or 18:37 I should say the ul a margin of left. 18:44 And the way that we can do this is by targeting last-child and 18:48 giving it a margin-left of auto. 18:54 Sweet, it pushed it all the way to the right, which is awesome. 18:57 Flex is amazing. 19:00 Let's remove this margin-right that we have right here. 19:02 So we can also, in this rule, 19:07 give it a margin-right of 0. 19:11 Sweet, it should space it just like we want. 19:15 Let's give a little bit of padding to our chat-app, like 1rem of padding. 19:18 Sweet, now, one thing I forgot is to give a background-color to our chat-app. 19:28 So let's do that now. 19:34 Background-color: and we have a variable for this called --app-bg. 19:36 Copy that, and I'll paste it in there, hit Save. 19:42 And for our chat-interface, 19:48 we also have a variable. 19:53 It'll be background-color: var(--chat-interface-bg). 19:56 Hit Save. 19:59 And now we have our background color but we need a little bit of padding so 20:04 this looks a little bit better, and do 1rem here, too. 20:10 Sweet and I'll give it a little bit of border radius, 20:15 something small like maybe 0.33 rem. 20:19 I think that looks good. 20:22 Let's make this padding a little bit less though. 20:25 Sweet, okay, next let's style this input element. 20:28 So let's close down our utilities nest and let's target the input. 20:32 We can do a border of none and do some padding 1rem, and 20:39 we'll set the outline to none. 20:43 Sweet and that already looks pretty good. 20:47 Awesome, so now let's, I'm also not liking these icons sizes, 20:52 let's make them a little bit smaller. 20:57 Let's do like 18 pixels, sweet, that looks good. 21:00 Okay, so I think this is pretty good for our UI. 21:07 Let's work on the toggle switch. 21:10 So we'll make this with pure CSS. 21:13 So let's go back into the markup and find it. 21:16 Let's give this a <li> a class so we can target it a little bit easier. 21:20 We'll do toggle-switch, hit Save. 21:23 And now let's come back to this li and 21:27 we wanna target the li that has the class toggle-switch. 21:30 Let's give it a display of none just to see if it removes it. 21:36 Sweet, it did, okay so this is the li item. 21:39 Let's reset everything, let's give it a background of transparent. 21:45 Actually, that would be for the ul. 21:54 Let's just target the input inside and 21:56 do -webkit-appearance, set it to "none", sweet. 22:01 Next we will give it a width of, let's do 50 pixels. 22:09 We'll have to override the width for the li item, so we'll do width auto. 22:14 And to get the little thing inside wanting to position that absolute, so 22:22 we'll need to position the input which is the parent of that relative, so 22:27 we'll do position relative And 22:31 we will give it, I think that should work. 22:38 Let's work on the actual switch on the inside. 22:44 So we'll set up an after element. 22:48 We'll give it a position of absolute, 22:53 a top of 50%, a left of 50%. 22:57 We'll transform 23:01 -50% on both the x and y axis. 23:05 We'll give it a content of an empty string. 23:10 Height, let's see. 23:14 We're doing 50 pixels width, let's do. 23:15 Let's do 25 pixels height and width on this. 23:22 You might need to play around with it but we'll see. 23:27 Sweet, and let's give it a background color. 23:32 We also have this setup in a variable that's --toggle-color. 23:38 Yeah, --toggle-color. 23:46 And I see it but we need to adjust something. 23:54 Let's see here. 24:02 this height, this up. 24:10 Let's check 24:18 out the dev 24:25 tools. 24:30 There we go, okay. 24:42 So we have our input, we have our list item, and we have our ul. 24:43 List item toggle-switch. 24:51 Okay, let's give this border radius of 50%. 25:00 And now I need to figure out 25:09 why this is not centered. 25:13 Let's see. 25:18 Anybody know if I misspelled something? 25:29 >> Nothing like a live demo. 25:40 [COUGH] >> Right? 25:42 >> How to share translate, look. 25:44 >> Transform translate, we have negative, there we go. 25:47 I forgot the negative on the X axis. 25:53 >> Nice one, Rob. 25:56 >> That would have taken a long time to figure out because it's so small. 25:58 [LAUGH] Sweet, thanks! 26:01 So we'll set the left to 30, which I think it's pretty good, looks good. 26:05 So now if we target this input when it is checked, 26:10 we can do that with just CSS. 26:15 We can target with the checked pseudo class. 26:19 We can give it a background color. 26:27 And we'll do our accent color which is the kind of the UI color which is this blue. 26:30 So let's hit Save. 26:35 Let's click on our checkbox and it turns it blue which is great. 26:38 But it's turning the input itself blue. 26:43 So let's give this a border-radius of 25 pixels. 26:48 Sweet, I need a little bit, 26:55 let's give the padding for 27:01 our last item 0. 27:07 There we go, looks a little bit better and 27:11 we'll give that padding to the actual toggle-switch 27:14 Still not doing what I want it to do, but that should be fine. 27:25 So I'll update this 30% left to let's say 35, 27:31 looks a lot better, cool. 27:37 So now let's target the after element which is this 27:40 white dot inside the toggle-switch when the input is checked. 27:44 So we can do that by writing the after 27:49 pseudo element on the checked state. 27:54 And we'll give it a left of, let's see, 28:00 we're doing 35, let's do 65%. 28:04 Cool, and it pushes it there but we want a sweet transition, right? 28:08 So let's give a transition. 28:12 Left of 0.3s for our after pseudo element and for 28:19 our, let's see where we're doing the background color at. 28:24 So this will be for the input, so we need to give it a background color. 28:37 Let's see what we have. 28:42 We have --toggle-bg here, so let's use this 28:43 Sweet, that looks a lot better. 28:55 And now we have a toggle-switch. 28:57 Sweet, but let's give it a little bit of transition for that background color. 28:59 We'll do transition background 0.3s 29:06 Sweet, I like that. 29:11 Now, let's work on the Send button and then we can toggle our dark mode. 29:14 So make this over here, so we've got a little bit more room to see. 29:17 So let's close up this toggle-switch for our list item and now let's target the, 29:24 I guess we have to give it a class, make this easy. 29:29 Let's do our Send button, which is this last li. 29:32 Let's do a class of send-cta, let's save. 29:38 And now we'll target that Display 29:46 of none just to see if it's set up right. and it is, cool. 29:51 First thing background-color set to our --accent 29:56 Give the color white, 30:00 svg will also be white. 30:04 And we're not using any variables for 30:08 this because this won't change versus light or dark theme. 30:10 Sweet, let's go over here and set up the width. 30:17 Let's maybe do 125 pixels. 30:22 It's a little big, let's go 100 pixels. 30:26 Then border-radius, 25 pixels for that pill shape. 30:29 Let's give a margin right of 0.25 rem for 30:33 our svg, let's go 0.5. 30:38 Okay, cool, like that. 30:41 So basically our UI for this is complete. 30:43 So now let's add the dark mode for this. 30:47 So let's hop into our JavaScript file, and 30:55 let's open up our index.html on the right. 30:59 Let me close everything out, okay, 31:07 so what we wanna do is whenever this input 31:12 right here, it's just so hard to see. 31:18 Okay, so when this input is in a checked state, 31:23 we want to add the class of dark to our body, which is pretty simple to do. 31:26 So, let's grab this checkbox input. 31:31 We'll call this const, I'll make this a little bit bigger and 31:36 I'll open up this up here. 31:41 Okay, so const darkModeToggle = document.getElementById('darkMode') 31:43 And that's because this checkbox has the ID of darkMode. 31:52 So, let's add an event listener, 31:59 darkModeToggle.addEventListener() 32:02 And since this is a checkbox that changes its state, 32:07 we can use the change event listener. 32:10 Setup function and in here, it's pretty simple. 32:14 We will just write, well, I guess let's put the body in a variable as well. 32:19 I think that should work, document.body. 32:31 So, we'll do body.classList.toggle('dark'), 32:34 I think that's the class we're using, just make sure. 32:39 Yep, okay, so basically, when the body gets the class of dark, 32:50 all of these variables will be overwritten with these variables. 32:54 So, let's see if it worked. 32:59 Sweet, it did but we forgot some stuff. 33:01 So it looks like this input needs a background color. 33:04 So let's go to our input. 33:08 Where is the input? 33:14 Right here, all right. 33:17 Let's set it up with a background color. 33:18 And up here we'll notice, let's see, actually this doesn't need one, 33:22 let's just do transparent for the background color and 33:28 that should work just fine Sweet, it does. 33:33 So the only thing I'd like to do now is maybe transition this a little bit better. 33:39 So everywhere that we're changing our variables, 33:43 let's set up some sort of transition. 33:46 So the chat interface will do you transition from the background of, 33:49 let's do 0.5s 33:55 I'll copy this cuz I'll probably use this again. 33:57 Okay, so that's for the chat interface. 34:00 Let's do it for the chat app as well. 34:03 Let's hit save and notice if, okay, so 34:06 it looks like our icons are taking a little bit so let's see. 34:09 Let's do it for the background color for our ul items in our utilities menu. 34:14 And for our svgs, transition the fill property 0.5 seconds. 34:20 Let's save, sweet, everything looks pretty consistent. 34:28 So, cool. 34:35 We have a chat app that has a dark mode toggle. 34:36 Let's just put an hit, and should all still work, we can update the colors. 34:39 So if you followed along or you want a look at this code when we're finished, 34:45 I'll upload this to the GitHub, and where is, hey Brian, are you still here? 34:52 >> Yep. 35:01 >> Hey, how do I get my toggles back for our zoom? 35:02 [LAUGH] >> Hit escape. 35:06 >> Escape? 35:08 >> Yep. 35:10 >> Sweet. 35:11 You know a lot more about Zoom than I do. 35:11 [LAUGH] Cool okay so actually you know what, I will share my screen one 35:14 more time just so that I can show you guys how I like to push code back up to GitHub. 35:19 Can you guys see my screen still? 35:27 >> Yes. 35:32 >> Sweet, okay, so let's say we're finished with this. 35:33 We're happy, we wanna throw this back onto GitHub. 35:36 You can do this through the terminal, or you can use GitHub desktop. 35:39 But if you're using VS code, it makes it pretty easy. 35:42 So this is a list of all my changes. 35:44 And if I wanna do just one big commit, 35:46 which I will, one big commit final code. 35:50 We can write our commit message and 35:54 then hit these three dots and hit push. 35:57 And now if we go back to TreeHouse GitHub, 36:02 you should see the code here and, yeah, last commit was now, so sweet. 36:05 If you want to take a look at the finished code, it is now in the GitHub repo which 36:11 is linked in the comments section or whatever you call it in zoom. 36:16 Sweet, I am done here. 36:23 >> Thank you very much, Dustin. 36:26 What I really liked about that webinar is absolutely yes we 36:28 had an opportunity to see Dustin's frankly masterful skills when it comes to, css. 36:33 I mean, that by itself was impressive. 36:41 But I also really liked how a VS code played 36:43 a prominent role throughout VS code. 36:47 It's just amazing tool, whether it's the Emmet utility, 36:50 for example, or the ability to push code up to GitHub or 36:55 any of the seemingly endless number of other features that it has to offer. 37:00 It really is no wonder that it's fast becoming the most popular- 37:06 >> Yeah. 37:11 >> IDE out there today. 37:12 Does anybody have any questions about what Dustin demonstrated today? 37:14 >> I've got a question. 37:21 [LAUGH] Does anybody know is Emmet part of VS code by default now? 37:22 I know I used to have to download it, but 37:27 I don't think I download that extension anymore. 37:29 >> [INAUDIBLE] >> And does everybody use VS code? 37:31 Or do we have anybody that uses anything else like atom or 37:35 Sublime or I think brackets? 37:39 I use VS brackets. 37:41 I think a lot of people use VS code now though. 37:43 >> Brian, did I hear you correctly that is now part of VS code? 37:47 >> Yeah, Emmet is integrated >> Wow, I think that's pretty atypical. 37:53 Usually they're pretty big on plugins but 37:58 I mean Emmet is so- >> Right. 38:01 >> Obviously useful as Dustin demonstrated that I guess it is no 38:02 surprise that it is now bundled with the editor. 38:07 >> I guess since VS code so popular too, 38:10 maybe it'd be cool to make some video content on just like Emmet shortcuts. 38:12 I mean, that speeds up workflow like crazy. 38:18 >> Yeah, love that idea. 38:20
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